(Updated to Remove Sold Items)

TERMS ETC.: Please list alternates -- many coins sell fast. Catalog values shown in brackets. A star after a price means multiples are available. Absolutely no discounts. POSTAGE EXTRA, please add a reasonable amount, excess refunded. Established customers will be sent coins on approval. Usual guarantees & return privileges. NY customers pay sales tax.


ZELLE, WISE.COM, PAY-PAL & VISA/MASTERCARD ACCEPTED. Paypal fee 50¢ + 3% (4.5% foreign). The fee on credit cards is 3.95%

PHONE 518-482-2639. E-MAIL WEBSITE


G O L D ISRAEL 500L 1974 (.8102 oz AGW) PF in fancy case with 2 sil 25L (1.56 oz ASW) 2195.00


USA DOL 1891 SEGS MS-61, BU, touch of wkness in centers (MS60 bid $68) 52.50

1898-O PCI MS64, it is a nice BU, well struck, good luster, 64 looks about right 64.00

1926-D NNC MS-64, a nice sharp BU coin, quite free of marks, 64 looks correct (bid $480; $375 for MS63) 299.00

1926-S NNC MS-65, a BU coin, only 2 or 3 tiny marks, tho a trifle weak strike in centers; at least a 64 (bid $310) 165.00

1934 NNC MS-63, not a great Unc coin but at least a 62 (=$190 bid) 135.00

1935 NNC MS-63 much nicer than previous, strong strike & luster, couple micro tone spots (63 bid $190) 139.00

BELGIUM 50C 1867 NGC "AU details Cleaned," doesn't look cleaned at all, rather a totally normal EF with lt tone. Scarce date (EF cat $350, an EF brought $348, Elsen 12/18) 175.00


5M 1929 E Meissen, NGC Unc Details, cleaned, I'd grade AU (cat EF $700) 279.00

ITALY 5C 1896 NGC MS63 BN, I would grade nice AU with significant red, but I'm out of touch. Scarce type. (MS60=$200; an AU brought $320, Varesi 4/07) 99.00

50C 1892 NGC AU55, it is a nice AU with luster & lt tone. Scarcer date of rare type. (An AU realized $1700, Titano 2/05) $399

PALESTINE 20 Mils 1944 NGC "AU details cleaned," maybe cleaned in the past but now it is a wholesome brown color, I would grade it Choice EF (cat $250) 110.00

NOTE: A star after the price means multiples are available. CATALOG VALUES IN (PARENTHESES)


50c 1967,68D CH BU @4.95*


1885 BU sharp at least 62 maybe 63 47.50

1886-O G-VG clnd 26.50; VG-F 28.95

1880-O hot lips VG (bid $90) 69.50; F $85

TRANS TOKEN, Nassau County NY 28 mm brass, Lion on Shield/MSBA; nice; scarce?? I've not seen before. AU-Unc .50, 3/1.35, 10/3.95*; VF-EF 30 for 5.95*

ATJEH (or Acheh), Dutch East Indies, Tin Keping, early 1800s, KM1, very crude, G or better 1.45*


20C 1966 AU (MS60=$35) 2.45

19th CENT TOKEN Annand Smith 1d KM Tn16.2 VF-EF/F-VF (VF cat $220) 59.75


2 SCHIL commems: I used to get many from European auctions, but not in recent years. Finally I did score a nice group. Unc prices shown from 2014 Germany "Moneytrend" —

1928 Schubert AEF 7.70

1929 Billroth Unc (40 Euros) 11.95*

1931 Mozart AU 14.50

1932 Haydn BU (120 Euros) 41.50*

1933 Seipel AU 13.75*; BU (50 Euros) $21*

1934 Dollfuss AU 9.95; BU (30 Euros) 13.95*

1935 Lueger EF 9.95; Unc (40 Euros) 13.75*; BU 16.50*

1936 Eugen Unc (30 Euros) 10.95; BU 13.50*

1937 Fischer AU-Unc (U=30 Euros) 9.95

SET of all 10 AU $119; UNC 139.00*

5 SCH 1936 SCARCE AU-UNC (EF 120 Euros) 36.50

1957 RARE EF+/AU (EF 500 Euros; an EF brought $587, Rauch 9/08; VF $410, Kunker 3/07) I paid $235 199.00

BEL CONGO 5F 1952 VF .65

BELGIUM FROM MY LIFELONG COLLECTION. Some past auction realizations noted, mostly from Elsen, the leading dealership in Belgium

CENTIME 1833/2 AEF sl crude (An SPL (EF) realized $341 + buyer fee, Eeckhout auction 11/11.) 77.00

1835/2 KM1.1 wide rim EF ($200; an EF realized $255, Elsen 3/06) 95.00

1835/2 KM1.2 (RARE narrow rim type) Choice EF ($220) 115.00

1849 Nice VF scarce (A cleaned VF realized $159, Elsen 3/18) 69.00

1850 EF-AU reddish & brn (EF=$200; an EF-Unc brought $287, Elsen 12/19) 99.00

1858 line below CENT, CHOICE sharp EF $380), free of faults 179.00

1859 no line under CENT (5 in date over lower 5) lustery brown AU (EF cat $220; an AEF sold for $241, Elsen 3/19) 139.00

1860 line under CENT Sharp EF ($100) $55

1869 EF SHARP ($25) 13.75

1873 AU traces red (EF=$25) 16.50

1874 EF-AU bluish-brn lus (EF $25) 14.50

1875 AU traces red (EF=$25) 15.75

1876 CH EF ($20) 9.75


1835 wide rim AVF (VF=$60) 18.95

1836 CH AU-UNC, some red (An AU realized $229 + buyer fee, VL Nummus 3/22) 45.00

1847 Brown AU, red traces (EF=$75; an

EF-Unc sold for $224, Elsen 6/19) 55.00

1849 AVF sl rim faults (VF=$20) 5.50

1852 RARE G 1.99; AEF (EF=$440; a VF-EF brought $388, Elsen 12/17) 185.00

1859 CH EF+ luster traces (EF=$45) 22.50

1862 LD Reddish AU-Unc (U=$90) 38.95

1865 EF traces red ($45) 23.95


1833 CH EF+ sharp (An EF with sl spots brought $190, Elsen 9/18) 77.00

1841 VF-EF (EF=$110) 22.50

1847 Choice VF-EF glossy brown surfaces (An EF brought $327, Elsen 9/18) 49.75

1848 CH EF-AU, sharply struck, much luster (An EF realized $454, Elsen 3/19) 95.00

1849 EF much red luster (An AEF brought $208, Elsen 12/19) 85.00

1855 RARE DATE Large 55 (actually more like high 55 & far rarer than the small) AEF (EF cat $1200; A VF (small 55) brought $569, Elsen 3/15) 339.00

1856 regular type EF toned luster, obv sharp, weak in rev ctr 19.75

1858 CH EF sharp, EX ELIASBERG collec, Coin Galleries 10/10 auction. (An EF with sm spots sold for $217, Elsen 9/18) 74.50

1859 AU much red, well struck (An EF-Unc brought $251, Elsen 6/19) 110.00

1862/1 AEF (EF=$40; a cleaned VF realized $76 + buyer fee, Numis.BE 5/12) ) 16.95; UNC 33.95

1863/2 AU (EF=$40) 21.50

1895-FR AEF (EF=$20) 4.95

1900-FL, 9/8, KM lists such an overdate only for the FR version, AU 39.75

1901-FR Hole type, scarce, CH EF+ (EF= $75; an EF brought $142 + buyer fee, Numis.BE 11/12) 39.50

1903-FR EF ($15) 6.45

10 CENTIME 1832 CH AU, well struck, excellent lustrous brown surfaces (EF= $400; an EF brought $399 + buyer fee, Eeckhout 5/11; AU $488, Spink 6/14) $199

1833 EF nice (4600), var with no period in sig (same var, Cleaned AEF realized $1068, Elsen 3/19) 279.00

1847 Choice VF-EF, sharp & free of faults (Cat VF $300, EF $1000) $195

1847/37 Nice strong EF (cat $650; An EF with sm rim nicks sold for $562, Elsen 3/19) 299.00

1848 Choice EF sharp, actually rare without overdate (cat $700) (Note, coins like this would surely slab AU50 if not 55) (An EF with sm nicks brought $1108, Elsen 12/19) 295.00

1848/38 Strong VF ($180) 89.00

1853 Wedding, Sm Date, seems much the rarer CHOICE EF 59.00

1861 EF ($12) 4.50; NICE BU (An Unc brought $47 + buyer fee, Karamitsos Auc 12/17) 21.50

1862/1 UNC (MS60=$80) 37.50

1864/1 toned AU unlisted 29.50

1894-FL AU a bit wkly struck on lion, much luster (Unc=$15) 3.99

1895-FR RARE VF (I paid $33 in 1982) $39

1895-FL VF ($9) 3.65; EF ($20) 7.95; UNC ltly toned (MS60=$35) 16.95

1/4 FRANC 1835 sig Nice strong VF lt tone (A VF brought $138, Elsen 3/18) 99.00

1/2 FRANC 1838 G-VG (A Fine, hardly better, brought $73 + fee, Eeckhout 5/10) 14.50

1840 VG/G (Better than a "F" (looks AG/G) sold for $53 + fee, Eeckhout 5/10) 18.50

1843 Nice strong AF (a Fine, no better, brought $106 + fee,, same auction) 29.50

50 CENT 1868 RARE VG (F=$150; a F/VF cleaned realized $360, Schulman 4/15) 55.00

1898-FL (9 in date clearly over another digit, maybe 8, unlisted) toned AU (EF=$150) 77.00; Nice UNC lt tone 110.00

1899-FR AEF pretty tone (EF=$150) 58.50

1899-FL AVF (VF=$40) 8.95

1899/86-FL not listed, AU nice Tone 77.00

1934-FL RARE VF+ (An ungraded one, looks VF, brought $122, Heritage 5/22) 49.50

FRANC 1866 SCARCE AU-Unc, ex PCGS as AU58 (an EF brought $235, Hess-Divo 5/17; Unc $720, Kunker 10/14) 119.00

1880 UNC sl prooflike with lt tone (An MS63 brought $335, MDC Monaco 5/24; EF-Unc $227, Elsen 9/21) 110.00

1881 RARE VG/G- (I bought 1983 for $10) 14.95

2 FRANCS 1843 Strong G+ lt rev scr (A VG/F brought $116, Elsen 6/21) 55.00

1930FL (trace of 3/2?) scarce date VF ($45) 21.95

2-1/2 FRANCS 1849 Sm Head AU very sharp strike (EF=$700; an AEF brought $651, Baldwin's 9/06; VF-EF $453, Elsen 12/21; EF-Unc $716, Elsen 3/24) 385.00

1849 LG HEAD EF/AEF (EF cat $850; an EF brought $701, Elsen 6/21) 289.00

5 FRANCS 1833 POS B EF nice lt tone, couple very tiny rim nicks (cat $650; an AEF with sm rim nicks brought $459, Elsen 9/18) 245.00

10 FRANCS 1930-FL AU-Unc sl edge crudeness from lettering (MS60=$250; a VF-EF sold for $130, Moller 10/02) 87.00

20 FRANCS 1931FL VF+ 24.95; EF ($100) $45; AU-UNC (MS60=$175) 65.00

1932-FL AU (A VF/EF with sl scr brought $93, Teutoburger 9/14) 39.50

MEDAL 2014, 37 mm crown size, gold colored, King & Queen busts/arms, BU, I got a quantity cheerfully cheap: only 2.50* PHOTO:

BITCOIN, trades at around $90,000 but for that you don't even actually get a coin. Buy mine and you do: 38 mm, 2013 golden colored BU. 1.99, 3/4.99, 10/14.95* (picture at

BRIT. N. BORNEO 5C 1938H EF ($12) 5.35, 3 for 13.95*; AU 8.50

1940H EF ($12) 5.35*

1941H AEF (EF=$12) 4.75; AU 8.50*

CANADA 25C 1903 G (VG cat $20) 5.65

CHINA T'ang Dynasty Kai-yuan 621-718 AD, S-312, H14.1 , G-VG 1.15, 3 for 2.99*

MANCHUKUO 5 FEN 1945 RED FIBER, rare date, F ($175) 65.00*


5C 1948 VF ($2.50) .70*; EF ($6) 1.85*

DEMAK (Java) Tin Pitis, Sultan Pangeran al Patah, 1475-1518, 20 mm, uniface: crude F or better 3.99*; VF or better, nice for this 7.95, 3 for 19.95*

DENMARK Some values from "Danish Coin Values" (DCV) 12/14 converted from DKr

ORE 1880 VF (DCV $29) 7.50

2 ORE 1874 CH EF+ 6.50

1880 F-VF 5.75; VF-EF (DCV VF $42) 13.95

5 ORE 1874 EF (DCV $67) 14.95

1884 VF 16.50

1891 EF very sl rim bps 19.50

25 ORE 1904 scarce EF ($45) lt faults & sl dark 11.50

KR 1926 EF-AU (EF=$40, DCV $60) 17.50

1934 TONED AU (MS60=$140) 28.50

DJAMBI - sultanate on Java, tin pitis, c.1700s, not in KM; Craig lists a few; See Millies (1871) plate XVIII. Most seem unpublished. All are rare. REDUCED

1. As Millies 158-72, 16 mm, AVF 12.95

2. Similar, 16 mm, VF nrly as made 14.95

3. Similar, 20+ mm, VF 14.75

Study Lot of 6 additional diff coins, average VF but 2 with casting voids. All: 38.95

DJIBOUTI 10F 1999 BU ($15) 3.75, 3/9.95*

20F 1999 BU ($15) 3.75, 3/9.95*

ETHIOPIA 1/32 BIR KM10 type with Denomination partially defaced, reeded, VG-F 1.90*; F+ 2.99

FINLAND 10P 1908 EF ($120) 45.00


5C 1864BB VF-EF 7.50

10C 1861K VG .85

1870A EF ($28) 14.95

IF 1944B EF ($12) 2.75; AU (Unc=$25) 3.65*

2 FR 1887 EF minor rev scrs 16.50

1912 scarce VF+ luster 13.50

1913 scarcer AEF luster 19.75

1926 VF-EF (VF $18, EF $30) 8.45

5 FR 1945C Al-Bz AU 8.50

1947B C9 AU .90

1948 C9 EF-AU (EF cat $30) 8.95

1969 sil scarce date CH BU 11.50

20F 1950B 3 plume VF-EF (VF=$3) .99

50F 1951 EF ($2.25) .65

1952 EF-AU (EF=$2.25) .75

100 FR 1954,1954B EF+ (EF=$2.50) @.65

1955B EF ($1.50) .25*

FR.INDOCHINA 1/4c wartime emergency issue 1943 scarcer date, VF much above average (cat $35) 7.95, 3/21.95, 10/64.50*

GERMANY (Note some values listed from German "Money Trends" in Euros)

ANHALT 3M 1914 Unc lt orig tone (a BU sold for $265, Cayon 2/10) 69.50

PRUSSIA 5M 1876-A EF ($225) lt tooling in fields ("German proofing") 59.50

PFEN 1890F AEF (EF=$15) 3.65

1892A EF ($15) 3.99*

1892F EF ($50) 17.95

1892J VF ($20) 6.95

1893F EF ($70) 23.95

1895F SHARP EF ($30) 11.45

1900F EF ($15) 4.40*

2 PFEN 1876A EF ($12.50, 20 Euro) 4.35

1959G EF+ (EF=$3) .80

5 PFEN 1875J AEF (EF=$20, 30 Euros) 4.75

1930A AU (U=$25) 3.35

10 PFEN 1876B AEF (EF=$14, 20 Eur) 3.65

1900J EF ($15, 20 Euros) 5.35

1901J VF ($14, 20 Euros) 4.75; EF ($60, 65 Euros) 21.00

1906J EF ($30), 50 Euros) 11.45

1909F AU (MS60=$180, 200 Euro) 28.95


1916G AU (U=35 Euros) deep tone 7.95

1918/?-D CH BU 8.95*

1918F AU 4.95; UNC ($20), sl crude 6.50

1918J EF 5.80

1919F Toned EF ($30) 9.75


1905A EF ($22.50) minor scr 5.50; EF+ 8.75

1905G AEF (EF=$34.50) 9.75

1906J VF ($25) 8.95

1907D AU 11.75

1908J VF ($22.50) 8.75

1909A EF ($22.50) 8.95

1909D EF-AU (EF=$20) 8.95

1910D AU-UNC (MS60=$60) 15.50

1910F AU (U=$80) 14.50

1911F EF ($85) 34.75*

1915A UNC 6.95*; BU 8.75*

1915D UNC 7.95

1915J CH UNC (63=$30) 11.50

1916F AU/UNC 39.75

1950D AU (MS60=$40) 2.90

1950F EF ($12) 1.70; AU (U=$35) 2.60

1950G EF ($15) 1.80*; AU-UNC (MS60=$55; 80 Euros) 3.99

1956D AU/EF+ (EF=$35) 8.45

1956F EF ($35) 3.99*; EF-AU 5.95

1956G EF ($35) 4.75

1956J EF+ (EF=$40) 6.65

1963F AU (MS60=$70; 90 Euros) 4.45

1963J AU-Unc (MS60=$100) 6.95

2M KM111 scarce type—

1951D EF 9.95*; AU 13.50*

1951F EF ($30; 45 Euros) 9.95*

1951G EF ($75; 90 Euros) 16.95*; AU tiny spot 22.95

1951J EF ($30) 9.95*; AU 13.50*

3 MARKS 1922G SCARCE CHOICE BU ($30) ONLY 6.95*; 3/18.95*

1922J SCARCE CHOICE BU ($30) ONLY 6.95, 3/18.95*

1927 MARB UNC (MS60=$400) 110.00

1929A Lessing toned AU (EF=$140, 150 Euros) 49.50

1929F Lessing AU-Unc (MS60=$320) 74.00

1929J Lessing AU-Unc (MS60=$300) 69.75

5M 1929D Lessing AU (EF=$320) 125.00

1955F Schiller CH AU $159 (EF=$450, MS60=$725; An EF/EF+ sold for $688, Dorotheum 5/13) CH BU 219.00

1955G Ludwig EF ($420) 129.50; AU-UNC $159; CH BU ($800) 210.00

1957F EF ($50) 13.95*

1957J Eichendorff AU $135*; UNC-BU ($725) 179.00

1958J VF-EF (VF=$1750) 349.00

1959J EF-AU (EF=$40) 13.95

1964J FICHTE AU (EF=$75) 22.95, 3/$59; CH BU ($150) PL 39.00*

1965F CH AU (EF=$30) 12.50

1966D Leibnitz PF ($115) 32.50*

1967F Humboldt CH PF ($160) 43.95*


PF 1952A AU (6 Euro) .75, 10 for 5.95

-- EF (2 Eur) 10 for 2.40

1952E AU (22 Eur) 2.75

1953E EF-AU (AU=25 Euros) 2.95*

1968 BU (3 Euros) Lot of 10 pcs 2.20*

5PF 1952A AU (U=15 Euro) 1.35*

1975 CH BU .70*

10PF 1949 EF (10 Euros) 1.45*

1950E VF-EF (VF 10 Euros) 2.75*

1952E VF-EF 1.45*; EF (18 Euros) 3.40

50PF 1950 1-yr-ty VF-EF (EF=$25) 2.95*

5M 1968 Koch BU (20 Euros) 8.50*

1969 Hertz CH BU (38 Euros) 12.95

1971 KM29 BU (8 Euros) 3.75*

1983 Eisleben KM90 UNC (40 Euros) 8.75

1987 Nikolai KM114 BU (10 Euros) 3.85

1989 KM130 Unc 3.85

10M 1966 AU $95; UNC (360 Euros) 105.00

1967 Kollwitz CH BU (70 Euros) 26.50

1968 Gutenberg BU (70 Euros) 23.50

1969 Bottger CH BU (60 Euros) 21.50

1975 KM56 Schweitzer CH BU (62 Euro) 34.95

1975 KM58 UNC (15 Euros) 3.95

1981 NVA KM80 UNC (25 Euros) 8.45

1989 40th Anniv KM132 Unc (16 Eur) 4.95

20M 1966 Leibnitz Unc (212 Euro) 79.50*

1967 Humboldt, CH BU (170 Euro) 76.50*

1969 Goethe CH BU (150 Euros) 59.75*

1971 KM34 Thalmann BU (17 Euros) 3.75*

1972 KM40 Schiller UNC (15 Euros) 2.99*

KM42 Pieck UNC (17 Euros) 2.99*; BU 3.75*; PL BU ($45) 11.95

1979 KM75 AU 4.95; U-BU (30 Euro) 9.35

GHANA 50 CEDI 1999 BU ($3.25) 1.15, 3/2.99*

CEDI 2022 EF 1.75*

2 CEDI 2019 AU 3.75

GREAT BRITAIN - more coins from my collection. British coins have been one of my great loves for over half a century, and quality was a watchword for my collection. Davisson's auctioned it. But some coins were never listed and ultimately given back to me.

(Some Spink cat vals shown; £1=$1.25)

MAUNDY SET 1864 3d VF+, 1 & 2d Unc, 4d AU (An EF-Unc set brought $487, Heidelberger 11/15) 195.00

1955 3d PL AU-Unc lt tone 21.50



FARTH 1881 3B scarce CH EF ($50) 21.95

1881H VF-EF 4.95*; EF+ 12.95

1884 EF ($26) 11.50

1951 AU (EF=$2.50) .85*; RED BU (MS60=$10, £12) 2.70; 3 for 6.95*

14 diff EF & better 3.65

PENNY 1891 EF/AU (EF $65; an EF brought $113, St. Jam,es 11/21)) 31.95

1936 EF ($8) 1.99

3d SIL 1930 scarce date F ($3) 1.20*

1939 EF ($10) 2.90*

1940 EF ($5) 1.35*; AU 1.95

1942 EF-AU (EF £20) 4.75*

3d Brass 1938 CH AU+ (MS60=$28) 3.99

1943 CH AU-UNC (MS60=$12) .60

6d 1939 EF-AU (EF=$6) 2.20

1950 Toned AU (EF=$3, U=$15) 1.40

SHIL 1867 F ($30) sl obv doubled die 14.95

CROWN 1953 BU rim sl crude from edge lettering as usual (MS60=$12) 4.35

POUND 1999,2000 SIL PRF gem @14.95


8D 1868 VF ($13) sl rev flan faults 3.99

HONG KONG 50C 1951 VF-EF (VF=$2) .75*


2 FOR 1952 UNC (MS60=$4) 1.45*


1/2 PICE 1936 Toned Unc ($12) 3.99*

1940 EF+ (EF=$5) 1.65

1/4 ANNA 1830 Bombay KM231.1 wk at rev top, o/wise VG (Cat $80) 12.50

1833 Bombay KM232 F (VG= $40) 15.50


20P 1969B KM41 AU (EF=$3) .75

25 PAISA 1999 Dot BU (MS60=$4, 63=$7)

.75, 3/1.99

50P 1984B AU (EF=$3) .65


1997N KM92.2 BU (MS60=1.50) .35, 3/.85*

5 RUP 2006 KM324 Unc ($12) weak strike 2.75*

2007 KM359 War Unc ($20) 6.65

2009B KM367 BU (MS60=$10) 2.75


BAHAWALPUR, Square Paisa, Y8, AH1342,1343 EF ($15) @4.50*

1/4 ANNA Y13 AVF 1.60*

BARODA, 2 Anna VS 1949 F ($75) Holed 9.50

GWALIOR 1/4 ANNA VS1986 KM176.2

VF+ 1.50*

VS1999 KM179 VF-EF 1.35*


1/8R Y14 date? EF (cat $40 for type) 12.95

1/2R Y16 130x (partial date) VF-EF (VF=$75) 28.95

JAIPUR 1/4 RUP Yr 29 VF ($40) 17.50

KUTCH 2-1/2 KORI 1897/1954 VF ($38) tiny rim fault 17.50

5 K 1883/1939 EF ($44) crude rim 19.75

1895/1951 CH AU (EF=$40) 26.75

IRAN 50 DIN SH1322 KM1142a copper, scarce type, EF+ (EF=$3) 1.50*

50D 2536 AU (EF=$10) 2.99

500D 1298 KM894.1 VG ($8) or better 3.99

IRELAND 6d 1928 AU 3.50

PUNT 1990 EF+ .80

ISRAEL 50 Pru 1954 KM13.2a BU .85

Medal IGCMC 1972 AU .85


CENT 1862N Nice EF ($30; an EF realized $55, Aes Rude 9/93) 14.95

1896 EF ($30) 12.95; Brown AU 16.95

1899 EF ($10) 3.99

1900 CH AU with red (MS60=$30) 7.50

1914 R&B AU-Unc 4.50*

1916 AU 3.45*

1917 R&B AU 3.65

2 CENT 1897 EF+ (EF=$22) 9.75

1898 EF ($22) 8.95; AU much red (An AU realized $70, Nomisma 4/06) 14.50

1900 EF ($22) 8.95

5 CENT 1862N VF ($15; a VF brought $150, Titano 6/06!!) 8.45; EF ($60) 34.50

1909 VF+ 5.50

1912 VF 4.95

20 CENT 1894-KB VF ($5) 1.95*; EF ($20, an EF sold for $75, Titano 10/04) 7.45

1895R EF ($50; an AEF sold for $75, Titano 10/04) 16.95

1908 AU (An AU brought $169, Varesi 4/10) 2.35*

25 CENT 1903 EF 49.50; AU 74.50 (An EF/Unc brought $343, Teutoburger 9/17)

50c 1892 NGC slab AU55, it is a nice AU with luster & lt tone. Scarcer date of rare type. (An AU realized $1700, Titano 2/05) $399

1920 PE AU-Unc great luster (An EF+/AU brought $111, Artemide 10/11) 8.95

1920 REEDED F+ (F cat $12) 4.50; VF (A VF+ brought $250, Nomisma 9/00) 9.95

1925 REEDED AVF (VF=$15) 3.45; EF (An EF+ realized $630, Nomisma 9/02) 14.95

LIRA 1909 VF-EF luster, in sealed Italian certification holder 11.50

1913 VF-EF in sealed Italian certification holder graded SPL+ 5.75

1922 AEF .70

2 LIR 1885 SCARCE EF ($800) $235

1908 AU nice lt tone (An AU brought $440, Varesi 11/06) 65.00

1912 VF luster 17.95; VF-EF 23.75

1914 AU (An EF+ realized $94, Heidelberg 11/16) 16.95*

1915 AU 16.95

1916 VF/AEF 11.50

1917 scarcer VF-EF 13.95; EF (An AEF sold for $150, Titano 3/07) 17.95; AU-U 26.50

10 LIRE 1928 * VF-EF (A VF brought $110, Nomisma 10/04) 29.75

1949 AU-UNC 1.30

20L 1927 NICE VF (A VF, scr, brought $175, Teutoburger 2/11) 79.00

1928 First type, CH EF, sharp (An EF realized $585, Kunker 9/06) 135.00

100L 1957 CH AU (An AU brought $310 (yes) Varesi 10/02) .99*


NO MINTMARK, 1626-1700 VG-F .50, 3/1.30, 10/3.95, 30/9.95*

VF .90, 3/2.40, 10/6.50, 30/16.50*

EF nice 1.99, 3/5.50, 10/16.95*

MINTMARKED: Tokyo (Edo) 1668-1700, not checked for varieties, strictly NICE EF 1.99, 3/5.50, 10/16.95, 30/46.50*, 100/$139*

Same, VF .99, 3/2.70, 10/7.95, 30/21.95, 100/$66*

50 SEN 1898 VF-EF 14.50

1915 better date CH Unc (MS60=$160) 45.00

10Y 1952 UNC red & tone (BU=$40) 7.45

100Y 1964 Olympic UNC 2.99

100Y 1967 UNC ($7.50) 1.90


50T Commems: 2008 Aibyn BU ($6) 2.35*

2009 Basenov BU ($6) 2.35, 3/6.30*

2013 Zhumbaev BU 2.40*


10 HW 1961 RED UNC 1.75

50 WON 1973 BU (MS63=$50) 11.50

100W 1975 EF ($6) 1.75


10 SOM 2009 KM43 BU ($6) 1.20, 3/2.99*

MALAYA 10C 1950 EF ($2) .65

1961 UNC 1.85


10C 1972 EF ($4) .60*; AU .85; BU 1.90

MEXICO (Note, if you order these coins, Mexico will pay for it)

5C 1936 AU-UNC 1.65

20C 1943 EF ($3) .99

1954 AU R&B (U=$9) .65

50C 1920 AU (U=$75) 11.50

1983 KM492 Unc ($1.50) .65

2P 1992 BU ($4) .70

5P 1984 UNC (MS60=$4.75) 1.40

10P 1978 UNC ($2.50) .80


1F 1924 AU (MS60=$60) 13.95

MOZAMBIQUE  10C 1960 AU .65

20c 1974 BU ($8) 1.50, 3/3.85, 10/11.50*

2-1/2 ESC 1953 EF ($10) 2.95

NEPAL 10 Rup Sil 1968 KM794 BU (MS60=$32, 63=$50) 17.50


1/2 CENT 1823-B F ($20) 8.50*

1878 VF+/EF (VF=$8) 3.99

1884 AEF (EF=$10) 3.99

1885 VF+ (VF=$6) 2.99; AU toned 7.95

1891 VF+/EF (VF=$8) 3.99

1900 F-VF/EF (F=$8) 3.95

CENT  1823 F ($10) 4.75*; AVF/F 6.95

1827 VF+/F (VF=$18) 7.95

1827-B VF/F 6.75*

1837 AF 3.40; F+ 4.50

1870 F/AVF 3.75; VF ($15) 6.95

1876 AEF/VF 4.95

1882 VF+ (VF=$6) 2.40

1884 EF ($10) 4.35

1892 VF ($10) 3.50*; Sharp EF ($30; an EF realized $64, Schulman 3/12) 13.95

1898 EF ($30) 12.95

1907 scarce AVF rev better (VF $12) 3.95

1913 VF+ (VF=$6) 1.99

1924 key date VF 19.95 (A VF brought $138, Titano 6/03)

2-1/2 CENT 1877 VG .65*; F-VF 1.20

1881 VG .75

1884 VF ($7) 2.90; AEF (EF=$18) 6.50

1886 VG-F (F=$4) 1.25

1898 AVF (VF=$20) 6.65

1903 F-VF .95

1904 F .75*; VF 1.40

1905 F+ .90; VF 1.40; EF 2.99

1906 F .70*; AVF 1.20;

1912 VF ($8) 2.90

1913 VF ($4.50) 1.60*; EF 2.99

1914 VF ($8) 2.85*

1916 VF ($3.50) 1.40, 3 for 3.75*

1918 VF ($4) 1.50; EF-AU .3.75

1919 EF ($12) 4.75

1929 VF+ 1.50*; AU 2.40*

1941 toned AU 1.35* Reddish AU Lot of 10 pcs 12.50

Reddish UNC 1.99*; RED UNC 2.75

LOT: 1877-1941, complete except 1883, 21 coins incl 1894,1898 F+ 28.40

5 CENT  1869 AEF 8.50

1923 AU (Unc=$15) 2.45

1936 EF ($10) 3.85

1938 VF ($3.50) 1.20

10 CENT 1890 VF ($25) 11.50

1894 EF/AU ltly toned (EF=$100; a VF brought $85, deGeus 4/05) 49.50

1896 EF ($90) luster, solder across rev 7.95

1897 F-VF 4.75

1979 CH PRF (CAT $350) 89.00

25c 1979 PRF (CAT $450) 99.00

TOKEN 1975 Mokum, 1 Florin, 700th anniv, CN, 22 mm, coinlike, Unc & nice

.65, 3/1.70, 10/4.75, 30/12.95, 100/38.50*


1/2d 1960 UNC (MS60=$4) 1.35*

19th Cent. TOKENS Drastically discounted from catalog:

AUCK. Licen. Victuallers 1d VF sl edge clip 29.75; AEF (EF cat $220) 49.75

BARLEY 1d 1858 VF ($120) 39.50

CLARKSON 1d 1875 VF ($220) 59.50

DECARLE 1d 1862 CH VF glossy ($220)$65

HOLLAND 1d AF (F=$200) 48.50

KIRKCALDIE 1d VF+ 39.50; EF ($240) minor faults 49.75

MASON Struthers AVF (VF=$400) 99.00

PETERSEN 1d AF (F=$450) 110.000

SMITH 1d VF ($220) 49.50; EF ($640) couple sl scrs on rev $79

SOMERVILLE 1d 1857 VF ($220) 43.95*; EF ($625) 110.00

UNITED Svce Hotel 1d 1874 Tn66 VF-EF few tiny marks (VF=$140) 45.00

Tn67 VF ($220) 59.50; AEF 89.50

PALEMBANG (Sultanate on Java) Tin pitis, before 1821. These were rare & never seen in numismatic channels before recent hoard. KM inadequately lists only 2 varieties (really the same), F @ $20-25.

MY BOOK cataloguing 291 varieties with enlarged photos & rarity ratings 5.99

-- Now also online at:

Coins listed by my numbers & rarity ratings (exceptional condition):

4 Undated, 1750? 21 mm, EF 4.50

5 Muhammad Bahudin AH1193 = 1779,

13-15 mm EF 4.50; AU 7.95

5.3 R5 EF 6.95

5.4 VF-EF 3.95; EF-AU 6.95

5.5 EF 4.50; AU 7.95

5.6 Date "1111" EF 4.75

5.7 Date "1183" EF-AU 5.95

5.8 Date "193" R4 EF 4.95

5.9 Date "113" EF 4.75; AU 7.95

5.23 R3 EF 4.75

5.24 R3 EF-AU 6.50

9 AH1203 = 1789 EF 3.99, 3/10.95; AU 6.95

9.1 EF 4.50; AU 7.95

9.2 R2 EF-AU 5.95

9.5 R9 VF 4.95

9.8 R3 EF 4.95

9.26 Date "123" R3 EF 5.50

9.33 Date "1023" R2 EF 4.75; AU 7.95

10 Mahmud Badaruddin II AH1219 = 1804, octagonal, EF-AU 5.95

10.44 R3 EF 4.95

11 Undated, Millies 202-203 EF 4.75

11.1 EF-AU 5.95

11.3 R3 EF 5.95

11.11 R3 EF+ 6.35

11.12 EF-AU 6.95

14 undated type along the lines of Millies 201, EF 4.75

14.2 R4 EF 6.50

14.4 R5 AU 9.75

16 F 2.50

17 F-VF 4.50

LOT of 10 well mixed types & varieties,

F-VF 9.75; 30 for 26.95*

EF very nice! 10/29.75*


1C 1968 BU ($2.50) .55, 3/1.45, 10/3.65*

PARAGUAY 1C 1950 BU ($2.50) .70*

POLAND 1 GR 1949 BU ($3) .75 3/1.99*

10 GR 1968 CH BU ($7) 1.60


10c 1945 E(EF=$12.50) toned AU 4.50

1948 VF/F (VF=$37.50) 5.95

1950 Brown AU (MS60=$75) 4.75

1952 Choice Reddish Unc (MS60=$155; an AU realized $128 + buyer fee, Leiloes Auction 7/18) 59.00

1953 (EF=$6) toned AU ONLY .99*; BU 2.99

20c 1945 CH EF ($27.50) 7.45; RED BU (MS60= $65) 19.50, 3/49.95*

1960 RED BU ($13) 3.45*

50c 1928,1929 VF ($12.50) @3.99

1930 VF ($25) ltly clnd 6.45

1931 F ($10) 3.20*

1938 VG+/F (F=$31) 8.95

ESC 1929 AVF (VF=$15) 3.95

1930 VG-F (VF=$25) 3.45

2-1/2E 1963 AU (EF=$20) 2.99*

1964 AU (EF=$20) 2.99*

1965 AU .99; UNC ($11) 1.99*

5 ESC 1963 EF ($15) 2.99

1967 UNC ($20) 2.99


1/2 KOP 1892 AEF (EF=$32) 14.95

1897 VF ($10) 5.50; EF 8.95

1899 F-VF (F=$7) 3.50*; VF ($10) 4.95

1911 VF+ (VF=$20) 10.50; EF 14.95

1912 AEF sl rim faults (VF=$20) 4.95; AU (EF=$30) 16.95

1913 F-VF (F=$8) 3.99; EF ($15) 7.45

3 KOP 1909 AVF (VF=$30) 11.95

1915 VF-EF very sl rim nix (VF=$10) 4.40; EF+ sl rim bump (EF=$20) 8.95

10 KOP 1903 AVF (VF=$20) 6.45

1907 F+/VF 4.95; VF ($20) 8.95

1908 VF ($40) 14.95

1909, 1911 AEF (EF=$19) @7.45

1912 EF ($19) 8.95

1914 EF+ (EF=$19) 7.95

15 KOP 1903 VF ($60) 23.75

1904 AVF/F (F=$30) 11.95

1905 F-VF (F=$30, VF=$60) 11.95

1907 VF ($30) 10.50

1908 VF ($30) 9.95*; EF ($70) 22.75*

FANTASY PATTERN ROUBLES (from the "Patina" series), very well made. In Copper; Golden Bronze; or silver-platinum color.

Price is $3.99 each; Three the same for $10.95; ten the same for $33.95.


1. 1741 Elizabeth

2. 1796 Paul (Bronze only)

3. 1797 Paul

4. 1801 Paul (Copper & Bronze only)

5. 1801 Alexander, uniformed bust

6. 1801 Alexander, bare bust

7. 1808 Alexander

8. 1832 Nicholas, 1-1/2 Rouble

9. 1894 Alexander III & Czarina

10. 1894 Nicholas II


KOP 1936 EF ($7) 3.40*

1937 EF+ (EF=$6) 2.99

1963 BU (MS60=$8) 2.85*

2 KOP 1957 EF ($8) 2.90

10K 1957 Unc ($10) teensy rim nicks 2.70

15 KOP 1936 VF-EF (VF=$5) 2.45

50 KOP 1961 UNC (20) 7.95

ROUB 1975 PL ($15) 4.95

1985 Y199.1 CH PF not restr ($32) 13.95

10R 1991-L Y295 BU (MS60=$5) 1.90

6-pc Set 1992, 1-100R, UNC-BU (MS60=$16) spots on 1R 3.99


PENNY 1930 AEF/VF (EF=$20) 6.95

2 SH 1894 VF toned (cat $190; a GVF sold for $782, Teutoburger 10/11) 88.50

1895 VF toned ($225; a VF with sl rim nicks brought $310, Teutoburger 10/11) 99.00

2-1/2 SH 1895 VF ($235) $110


5C 1945 UNC ($9) 3.45

5C 1953 AU (EF=$45) 18.95

10C 1953 UNC ($5) 1.60

25C 1937 EF .60*; AU .99*

50C 1949(51) VF-EF (VF=$4) 1.40*

1949(52) UNC ($20) 6.50*

1949(54) AU (MS60=$27) 3.45*

PES 1947(53) EF ($20) 4.95; Unc ($100) 26.50

1947(54) EF ($30) 5.95*

5P 1957(58) CH AU (MS60=$100) 2.70

1957(59) BU (MS60=$30) 6.95*

1957(65) AU (U=$6) .65

1957(68) UNC ($4) 1.35

25 PES 1957(58) AU (MS60=$70) 4.75*

1957(59) UNC (MS60=$35) tiny nick on eyebrow 3.75

1957(66) BU ($15) 3.95

100P 1983 UNC (MS60=$25) 3.99*


1/4C 1845 VF ($40) 19.75

1884 F-VF 12.95

1901 VG+ 3.50

CENT 1920 VF+ .99*

10C 1901 SHARP AU ltly clnd (60=$175) 42.50

SWEDEN (Some values from 2022 Swedish Myntarsboken catalog; carefully graded)

ORE 1877-SL VF-EF (Swe VF $32) 12.95

1880 EF+ (EF=$35) 14.50

1936 Short 6 Reddish UNC (Swe $9) 1.30

25 ORE 1874 KM738 VF ($50) 18.50

1885 UNC ($150) lt tone 59.75


RAP 1851 EF ($63) 28.95

1868 VF+ 13.50

1879 VF-EF 36.50; CH EF 49.50

1882 VF ($50) 23.95

1884 VF-EF 13.50; EF+ 21.50

1887 VF+ 11.95; EF+ 19.50

1890 VF ($30) 13.95

1891 Thick Cross EF+ 23.50

1894 AEF/VF 23.50; EF ($67.50) 29.75

1900 VF ($16) 7.50; EF ($26) 11.50

1902 CH EF ($125) 57.95

1905 VF-EF (VF=$12, EF=$18) 5.95

1908 AU some red (EF=$10) 4.95

1911 EF ($20) 8.95

1912 VF ($8.50) 3.90; EF 4.95

1919 AEF 1.99

1930 EF 2.50; AU much red (MS60=$18) 3.99

1936 AU (EF=$8) 3.65; RED UNC 5.50

2 RAP 1875 VF ($12.50) 5.75

1879 EF ($22.50) 10.75

1886 EF-AU 9.95

1899 AVF (VF=$12) 4.75

1907 VF+ (VF=$12) 5.75; EF 7.45

1909 EF+ with red (EF=$13) 6.50

1912 VF ($11) 4.95

1914 VF+ (VF=$16) 7.75

1918 EF ($12) 4.50

1930 EF+ (EF=$16) 7.45

1936 EF-AU (EF=$12) 4.45*

5 RAP 1873 VF 16.95 AEF (VF cat $37.50, EF $65) 23.95

1877 VF-EF (VF=$110) 53.00

1879 F-VF (VF=$22.50) 7.45

1881 Nice EF ($18) 8.65

1885 AEF (EF=$18) 4.95

1889 F-VF sl bent (VF=$55) 5.95

1890 VF ($16) 5.95

1915 EF ($12.50) 4.75

10 RAP 1899 VF ($16) 6.75

1940 EF ($15) 3.75

20R 1850 VF ($30) 8.95

1/2 FR 1875 VF ($85) 39.75

1877 VG+ (VF=$100) 11.95

1879 G 6.75; F+/VF (VF=$60) 18.50

1882 AVF (VF=$65) 23.95

1898 AEF 11.95; UNC ($100) 49.50

1968B CH BU ($2) .70

5 FRANCS 1939 Zurich AU 39.50*

1939 LAUPEN EF ($300) $137; An EF brought $569, Rauch 12/13)

1941 AU 31.95*; UNC 42.95

SYRIA 50 PIAS 1933 EF ($150) 69.50

TATARSTAN 1993 Kilo (Bread) KM Tn1 BU ($25) 7.95, 3/19.95*`

TURKEY 10 KURUS 1971 FAO BU ($2) .50


10 SH 1987 BU ($1.50) .65, 3/1.75*


500 NP 1989 UNC (MS60=$1.50) .70

UZBEK 100S 2004 BU (Cat $15) 2.99*

500S 2011 KM34.1 BU ($15) 3.95, 3/9.95*


CASH COINS by Schjoth, Toda & Craig:

S-9 VG .60

S-24 VG 1.30

S-32 (T56=$18) AF 2.80*

S-50 (C1.3) VG .99; F 1.65

Y2 KM628 AEF 1.80*

NOVAK Book, Working Aid for Collectors of Annamese Coins, 115 pp, useful compre-hensive identification guide, 115 pp; xerox copy with helpful new index added 7.95

TODA BOOK, photocopy, 92 pp, catalogs many more coins than Schjoth; with value guide 6.95

YUGO DIN 1953 BU (.75) .19*


1. HUNGARY, Bela II, 1131-41 AD, Sil Denar, Cross & circle, pseudo-lgnd/cross within 2 circles, Hus.102; Choice EF-Unc. (An EF brought $105, Naumann 1/21.) REDUCED: 22.50, 3/$62, 10/$185*

2. TABARISTAN, (in Iran), sil Hemidrachms, abt 25c size, "AFZUT" type, 786-809 AD, King's bust/fire altar, derived from Sasanian; NEW better group, really CHOICE virtually mint state & selected for exceptional strikes 27.95, 3/74.95

(A GEF brought $205, Leu Auction 12/19)

3. — SULEIMAN, 776-80, distinctive & scarce type with Arabic letter inside diamond in place of King's face. Often mushy strikes with Arabic letter flat, I cherry picked the best ones with strong strikes, virtually Mint State (An EF sold for $224, M&M 10/09) 34.95, 3/$95

Tabaristan photos:

U.S. STAMPS, all mint with gum:

5. Three cent, FACE $213.48, all or nearly all commems, many plate blox 139.50

9. U.S., 1940 & before, $11.17 face, all mint with gum; I've sold many such lots in the past at twice face. Multiple lots available, each only 18.95* 27. RUSSIA 1974 Mint Set (cat $325; coins are PL, not circulation strikes) 77.50*

28. USA 2008 Pres Dollar set, 8 coins P&D (bid $30) 21.00

29. SILVER "End of WWII" set in commemorative folder incl cleaned WL 50¢ & Australia Florin (6.98 oz ASW) & colorized JFK half 20.95*

33. CANADA 1965 PL Set, 1.11 oz ASW 35.95*

43. GREAT BRITAIN Proof set 1972 (cat $30) 10.95

44. — 1985 Proof set ($25) 8.95

55. AUSTRIA NOTGELD notes, c. 1920, 89 diff, great majority UNC 39.95*

59. GERMAN Banknote 2 Million Marks 1923 VF 1.35*

60. — Same, 3 pcs 2.99*

61. — 10 Million Marks 1923 EF 1.45*

62. — Same 3 for 3.35*

63. — Same, 10 for 9.95*


85. CDN Monthly Greysheet (dealer market prices for US Coins) March '24, hard to get much below $35 issue price 15.95

86. — Same, March 2023 9.95

88. Greysheet CAC Rare Coin Market Review, May-July 2024, also with much pricing info; 74 pages. Cover price $15 .65*

89. Judd, U.S. Pattern, Experimental & Trial Pieces, 2nd edition 4th edition 1970 6.35


ALFREDO De La FE, Agora Coins




ANNISA KHOIRIYAH (aka Opik Ropik) Indonesia








JOHN M. HAMILTON, Dublin, Ireland (on eBay as “Hammycoins”)

YOSI COHEN (“Promodes”) Israel

(see full list at website)