Pre-bidding ends 8 PM, Friday March 21, 2025, Live bidding Sat. 3/22, 11 AM

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LOTS 1-103 Greek

104-121 Judaea, Holyland, Judaica, etc.

122-135 Roman Republic and Imperatorial

136-307 Roman Empire

308-312 Ostrogoths, Vandals, etc.

313-353 Byzantine

354-429 Miscellaneous Old Coins

430-437 Tabaristan All Superb Quality

438-453 Sasanian

454-479 Great Britain

480-501 Chinese cash etc

502-524 Russian

525-546 Irish coins from my collection

547-571 Miscellaneous and Group Lots, etc.

572-592 Literature

593-609 Fixed Price Specials


(If photos don't load properly, try re-loading or refreshing once or twice)

GREEK COINS etc., listed alphabetically

1 AKANTHOS, Tetrobol, 470-390 BC, Forepart of bull
kneeling, Pi-E above/4-part square, sim. S1369; Nice VF,
good centering & strike.
(Same variety Ch. VF brought
$190 in my last sale; GVF $368, Freeman & Sear 11/04.)
Start Bid $100

2 AMASTRIS, Æ22, c. 100 BC, Gorgon head in aegis/Nike
adv r, S3675; VF/F, sl off-ctr, smooth orichalcum tan, Gorgon
face boldly clear, scarce thus.
(Compare a Near VF with roughness sold for $67, CNG eAuction 2/10.)
Starting bid $25

3 AMISOS, Æ21, 85-65 BC, Dionysos head r/Cista mystica
& thyrsos, S3640; AVF, dark patina with much pale
earthen cover.
(An AVF/F-VF brought $34 on $50 bid in my 11/04 sale.)
Starting Bid $15

4 ANTIOCH, Æ20, "Pseudo-Autonomous," 1st cent BC,
Zeus head r/Zeus std l, hldg Nike, lgnds, Nice VF, obv sl off-ctr
to left, dark patina with strong contrasting orangey
hilighting, great detail on head.
(A VF realized $67 on $75 bid in my 8/24 sale.) Start Bid $20

5 ANTIOCH, As last but larger Æ20x23, VF, dark patina
with strong orangy hilighting, strong detail on head.
(A VF brought $244, iNumis 3/11.) Starting Bid $20

6 ANTIOCH, Æ20, 27 BC - 14 AD, Zeus head r/Tyche std r,
river god below, Year EK, lgnd ends VAPOY referring to
P. Quinctilius Varus, commander of the legion lost in the
famed battle of the Teutoburg Forest, thus historically
important. F, brown with some chestnut hilighting, a little
rough, rev lgnd clear.
(A VF [I grade F] brought $380,
Gorny 10/17; AVF/F $170 on $400 bid in my 12/21 sale.)
Starting Bid $25

7 APAMEIA, Æ15, c.88-40 BC, Tyche head r/Marsyas stg r;
AVF, smooth dark green patina with paler green hilighting.
(A VF brought $163, Naumann 9/20.) Starting Bid $12

8 APOLLONIA PONTIKA, Drachm, 450-400 BC, Anchor
& crayfish/Gorgon head facing, S1655; EF/AEF, obv
well centered & struck, Gorgon somewhat crowded at top & nose sl flat but still well
detailed. (A VF with sm flat
area brought $140 in my last sale; VF $315, DNW 3/07.)
Starting Bid $60

9 ARADOS, 2nd cent BC, Æ15, Zeus head r/Galley prow,
VF, greenish patina with pale brown hilighting, nice
detailed head, Phoenician lgnd on rev visible.
(An AVF realized $24 on $45 bid in my 5/09 auction.)
Starting Bid $15

10 ARMENIA, Tigranes II, 96-56 BC, Tet, Head rt in tiara/
Tyche std r, Orontes swimming below, AP monogram in field
rt; in NGC slab as CH AU, strike 3/5, surf 4/5; it is practically
as struck, somewhat off-ctr, bright with touch of tone, well
struck with good detail.
(A Near EF of the type realized
$8682, Nomos 5/23.)
Starting Bid $875

11 ARMENIA, Tigranes II, 96-56 BC, Tet, Head rt in tiara/
Tyche std r, Orontes swimming below, Theta in field, CAA 19;
Ex Roma as EF, I grade it AEF, well centered, with only
the slightest surface quibbles, ltly toned, well struck &
quite pleasing.
(Same variety, VF with some lt marks
brought $2875, CNG 6/06.)
Starting Bid $800

12 ARMENIA, Tigranes II, 96-56 BC, Æ19, Head rt in tiara/
Tyche std r, T in field; Nice F-VF, centered, smooth dark
green patina with paler hilighting, portrait quite bold.
(A VF realized $322, CNG 9/10.) Starting Bid $40

13 ATHENS, Tet, 449-413 BC, Athena head r/Owl stg r,
S2526, Choice EF, good centering & strike with Athena's
hair waves fully sharp, which makes true connoisseurs
swoon. Ltly toned.
(An EF realized $9200, Triton 1/12.)
Starting Bid $750

14 BABYLON, Stater or Double Shekel under Seleukos I,
Baal std l./Lion l., anchor above;
COPY! (I think)
AVF/VF+, obv somewhat off-ctr, darkly toned, nice.

Starting Bid $15

15 BAKTRIA, Eukratides I, 171-135 BC, Tet, Heroic bust
left in helmet, thrusting spear/Dioscuri on horses rt,
S7571 (£3000); VF, centered on a large flan, lt smoothing
with minor traces of roughness still detectable; toned; a
decent looking bold coin. Ex Pars Coins as Choice aEF.
(A GVF realized $7980, NAC 5/14.) Starting bid $850

16 BAKTRIA Eukratides I, 171-135 BC, Obol, Diademed
hd r/caps of the Dioscuri, PK monogram, Bop. 3C; Superb
Virtually Mint State, quite sharply struck with great
portrait detail, nice bright metal. Scarcer with this
(An EF, same variety, brought $824,
Gorny 10/23.)
Starting bid $170

17 BAKTRIA, As previous but HP monogram, scarcer still,
Bop. 3G; Superb Virtually Mint State, well centered, bright
metal, superb detailed portrait.
Starting bid $170

18 BAKTRIA, Eukratides I, 171-135 BC, Obol, Helmeted
bust r/caps of Dioscuri, HA monograml Nice AVF, well
centered, good metal with lt tone.
(An F-VF with sl faults
sold for $64 on $125 bid in my 11/04 auction.)
Starting Bid $35

19 BAKTRIA, Apollodotos I, c.160-150 BC, SQUARE
Drachm, Elephant r/bull r, AEF/VF, centered, well struck,
bright metal..
(A F-VF realized $312 in my 1/11 sale.)
Starting bid $125

20 BAKTRIA, Menander, 160-145 BC, Drachm, Diademed
head r/Athena stg l, S7604; Choice EF, quite well struck on
large flan, excellent metal with tone, superb sharp portrait.
(An EF brought $472, F&S 6/08.) Start Bid $160

21 As last but helmeted bust r, AEF, centered, well
struck, good metal.
(An AEF brought $161 on $300 bid in
my 10/08 sale.) Starting Bid $80

22 As last but heroic bust left thrusting spear; VF, rev sl
off-ctr, good metal with lt tone, very nice.
(A VF+ sold for $295, CGB 4/10.) Starting Bid $35

23 BAKTRIA, Apollodotos II, c. 80-65 BC, Drachm, Bust r/
Athena stg l, PM monogram; Nice F, well centered with
complete lgnds, good metal with lt tone.
(A F brought $54 + buyer fee, Triskeles 3/19.) Starting Bid $20

24 BAKTRIA, Hermaios, c.40-1 BC, Ar Tet, Bust r/Zeus
std l, S7736, EF, only sl off-ctr with few letters crowded,
fully silver with sl surface disturbances, exceptional detail
on portrait & Zeus.
Rare like this.
(A GVF realized $549, Kunker 10/20.) Starting Bid $120

25 BYZANTION 1/4 Siglos or Trihemiobol, c.340-320 BC,
Cow standing on dolphin (a very common sight in Byzantion)/
millsail incuse; VF, sl off-ctr but quite decent.
(A VF brought $199, Elsen 12/07.) Starting Bid $40

26 CAPPADOCIA, Ariarathes V, 163-130 BC, Drachm, Bust r/
Athena stg l, date RY 33; Choice VF, well centered on large
flan, good metal, strong portrait.
(A VF brought $106 in my
6/08 sale; F $207, Downie 10/09.)
Starting bid $65

27 CAPPADOCIA, Ariarathes IX, 101-87 BC, Drachm,
Bust r/ Athena stg l, Year 13, S7297; VF/F-VF, centered,
nice strong portrait. (A VF realized $245, Varesi 4/07.)
Start bid $45

28 CAPPADOCIA, Ariobarzanes I, 95-63 BC, Drachm, aged
bust r/Athena stg l, Yr KB=22, S7302; Choice VF-EF, good
metal, quite well struck. Strong hair detail. Note filleted
rev border,
RARE one-year feature. (This exact variety, sl
corroded VF with scratch brought
$409, Leu 2/22.)
Starting Bid $90

29 CARTHAGE, Æ16, 3rd cent BC, Tanit head l./Horse
stg r, palm tree behind, Choice VF-EF/VF, obv well centered,
rev nrly so, glossy dark brown patina, head quite well
(A Ch. VF+/VF brought $311 on $340 bid in my
2/21 sale; GVF $719, CNG 5/08.) Starting Bid $100

30 CELTIC, BRITAIN, Cantii, Thurrock, Cast, head l./bull
butting, very crude degraded work, probably VF for this.
Darkish brown.
(Better than a "Near VF" bringing $84,
CNG 4/23.) Starting Bid $20

31 CHERRONESOS, Hemidrachm, 400-350 BC, Lion forepart r, looking back/
quadripartite with wreath & pellet; VF, a little off-ctr with part of lion's mane off,
excellent metal, lt tone.
(Same variety VF+ sold for $165, Pegasi 4/10.) Start Bid $25

32 EGYPT, Pharaoh Nektanebo II, 361-343 BC, Æ14, Leaping ram/scales, 2 pellets
in center; F+, rev sl off-ctr, medium brown, a little rough. The only non-gold coin
attributed to Pharaonic Egypt — tho a more prosaic Syrian attribution may be likelier.
Take your pick.
(A VF brought $5423, Gorny 3/07; F-VF $371 in my 2/23 sale.)
Starting Bid $65

33 EGYPT, Ptolemy II, 285-246 BC, Æ30, Zeus Ammon head r/Eagle stg l, Theta
betw legs, Svor 465; F+, dark brownish-green patina with pale earthen hilighting,
good strong head. Actually
very rare with theta! Starting bid $60

34 EGYPT, Cleopatra VII, 51-30 BC, Æ13 of Paphos, her head r/cornucopiae; F, dark
brown patina, somewhat off-ctr, the obv to bottom, crowding the bottom of
portrait. Nevertheless it is reasonably clear with even actually some detail.
(A F/VG brought $226 in my 8/24 sale.) Starting Bid $45

35 ELYMAIS, Kamnaskires V, c. 54-32 BC, Ar Tet, Bearded bust l., star above anchor/
lgnd & bearded bust l, lgnd around, GIC-5884 (£250); VF, nrly centered, quite good
silver, rev with practically complete lgnd & bust strong & clear.
(A Nice VF realized $1725, Triton 1/04.) Starting Bid $120

36 ELYMAIS, Orodes I, Æ Drachm, Bust l./ Artemis bust r, cornucopiae behind,
cross in front, as GIC-5894 (scarce!) but not listed with cross; VF, centered, pale brown.
(A VF GIC-5894 brought $59 on $90 bid in my 3/13 sale.) Starting Bid $25

37 ELYMAIS, Phraates, Æ Drachm, GIC-5902, Bust l./ dashes; Nice VF, medium
brown, bold features. Ex Pars Coins as Choice EF.
(A VF brought $120, Peus 4/13.)
Start Bid $15

38 ELYMAIS, Orodes II, Æ Drachm, GIC-5905, Facg bust/ dashes; EF, sharp face,
medium brown. Exceptional.
(A VF [I grade AVF] sold for $130, Pegasi 11/09.)
Starting bid $35

39 ELYMAIS, Orodes III, Æ Drachm, GIC-5910, Facg bust/ dashes, EF, medium brown.
Very unusual piece with elongated face having four clear & widely separated eyes! Misstruck??
(A normal AEF brought $93 on $125 bid in my 3/13 sale.)
Starting Bid $35

40 GELA, Æ14, c.315-310 BC, Demeter hd facg sl rt/Gelas head l, VF/F+, centered,
darkish greenish patina, obv face fully clear.
(A VF brought $466, Peus 4/21.)
Start Bid $35

41 HERAKLEIA, Stater, 370-281 BC, Athena head r, Skylla on helmet, K behind/
Herakles stg w/club & lion skin; VF, well centered (tho top of rev head crowded),
good metal with lt tone. Nice for these.
(Same variety, sl rough VF brought $1955, Leu 8/20; GVF $4800, CNG 1/21.)
Starting bid $375

42 HIMERA, Æ15x17, 420-408 BC, Nymph Head l, 6 pellets, IM (all clear here)/
6 pellets in wreath, S-1110; VF, sl off-ctr, dark olive-brown patina.

(A GVF realized $374, CNG 5/08.)
Starting Bid $40

43 HIMYARITES, (Arabia), Tha'ran Ya'ub, 2nd cent AD, Ar Quinarius, Male hd r,
monogram behind/Head r, lgnd around, GIC-5721; Choice Mint State, exceptionally
well struck for this with no wkness, sharp heads & lgnd; good lustrous silver.
(One virtually mint brought $211 on $245 bid in my last sale.) Starting Bid $120

44 INDIA, Mauryan & Magadhan Empires, several centuries BC., Ar
Punchmarked Karshapanas, 13-17 mm, LOT of 4 diff, elephant, man, sunburst, etc,
decent F-VF.
Starting bid $30

45 ISTROS, Drachm, c. 400-350 BC, 2 Male heads, left inverted/Eagle on dolphin,
I below, S1669; AVF, centered, good metal, both faces clear. Some scholars says
they're Castor & Pollux; others say Laurel & Hardy.
(A VF/AVF realized $301 on $350 bid in my 12/89 sale.) Start Bid $90

46 KATANE, Didrachm, 450-400 BC, Head l., fish around/ chariot, COPY!, struck, silver,
VF, ltly toned, nice.
Start Bid $12

47 KRAGOS, Lycian League Hemidrachm, c.48-42 BC, Apollo head r/Lyre & K-P,
no symbols, in incuse square; Choice VF-EF, rev somewhat off-ctr to top but complete,
good metal with tone, quite bold features.
(Same variety, GVF brought $257, Roma 10/19.) Starting Bid $65

People who bid early live longer & healthier

48 KYDONIA (Crete), 1/2 Stater, 320-270 BC, Nymph head left/Kydon stringing bow,
as S3249 (Head rt,
£1400), F, nrly centered on sl ragged flan, surfaces a little mushy
with sl faults.
Very rare type, more so with head left. (A VF with more usual head rt
& areas of wkness brought $6205, Leu 10/21.) Starting bid $200

49 LARANDA, Obol, c. 324-323 BC, Baal std l/wolf forepart r, crescent above;
VF typically somewhat crude strike but rather better than usual, good metal with
rich old toning.
(A sl crude VF sold for $480, Nomos 11/23.) Starting Bid $35

50 LARISSA, Æ19, Hd of Nymph Larissa facg 3/4 left/ horseman rt; AVF, centered,
brown patina, good clear face. Ex-BCD collection with his personal tag.
(An F-VF/VF brought $82 on $120 bid in my landmark 4/12 auction.) Starting Bid $25

51 LESBOS, 1/12 Stater or Diobol, 1.02 gram, 9 mm, c.500-450 BC, 2 boar heads
face-to-face/incuse square, F-VF, centered & clear, decent metal with lt tone.
In a spirit of DEI I will refrain from a Lesbian joke.
(An F-VF brought $216 in my 12/91 sale.) Start Bid $40

52 LYDIAN Kingdom, Croesos, 556-541 BC, 1/12 Stater, Lion & bull
foreparts confronted/incuse punch; VF, centered, good metal with tone, both
heads quite clear, very decent for this.
(A VF brought $415, Huauck & Aufh 3/06.)
Starting Bid $120

53 MACEDON, Alexander the Great, 336-323 BC, Tet, Lampsakos, Herakles hd r/
Zeus std l, Demeter at left, Pr.1355c; VF/F+, corroded/chipped spot at rev edge, asstd
other sl faults. With certif signed by Mel Wacks.
(Same var., GVF brought $1440, CNG 1/21.) Starting Bid $85

54 MACEDON, Antigonos Gonatas, 277-239 BC, Æ19, Athena hd r/Pan erecting
trophy; AVF, centered, medium brown patina.
(An F-VF realized $56 on $65 bid in
my 2/17 sale; GVF $604, Kunker 3/12.)
Start Bid $20

55 MAGNESIA ad Sipylum, Pseudo-autonomous, 3rd cent AD, Æ14, Tyche hd r/
tripod, Nice VF, centered, darkish olive patina with sl hilighting, strong detail on head,
rev bold. Scarce!
(A VF sold for $306, Naumann 6/15.) Starting Bid $25

56 MASSALIA, Obol, River god head l./MA in 4-spoke wheel; F-VF, technically
better but some crudeness, obv off-ctr to left, head complete. Good metal wih lt tone.
(An F+ brought $48 on $90 bid in my 3/13 sale; GF $110, Noble 3/14.) Start bid $22

57 METAPONTUM, Stater, 510-470 BC, Barley grain, META rt/Barley ear incuse,
broad flan 23 mm, HGC 1028; in NGC slab as CH VF, surprisingly conservative, I grade
VF-EF, well centered, good metal with moderate tone.
(Same var., GVF minor porosity brought $1495, CNG 5/11.) Starting Bid $375

58 METAPONTUM, Æ16, c.300-250 BC, Apollo hd l, grain ear, tripod rt, HN Italy 1675;
VF-EF/F, somewhat off-ctr, brown patina, obv nice with only slightest touches of
porosity, excellent detail; rev moderately rough. Ex Roma auction as NEF.
(A GVF realized $437, CNG 5/15.) Starting Bid $35

59 MILETOS, 1/12 Stater, 6th cent BC, Lion head right/star pattern in square,
S3533 (£75); AEF, well centered & detailed, only faintly grainy. Scarcer with head rt.
Oldest coin you can get without selling your soul.

(An AEF brought $181 on $200 bid in my 7/07 sale; VF $277, Noble 3/21.)
Start Bid $90

60 NABATAEA, Aretas IV & Queen Shaqilath, 9 BC - 40 AD, Æ18, Conjoined
heads r/crossed cornucopiae & lgnds, GIC-5699; Choice AEF, nrly centered, dark
green patina with strong earthen hilighting, excellent detail.
(An AEF realized $310 in my 12/21 sale; GVF $551, M&M 5/11.) Starting Bid $100

61 NABATAEA, Rabbel II & Queen Gamilath, 70-106 AD, Æ16, Conjoined heads r/
crossed cornucopiae & lgnd, GIC-5706; F, unround flan, dark brown patina with sl
hilighting, rev off-ctr, portraits clear. Scarcer than Aretas.
(A F brought $54 in my 2/23 sale.) Starting Bid $15

62 NEAPOLIS Didrachm, c. 320-300 BC, Nymph hd r, grapes behind/Nike above
man-headed bull rt, Pi below, Choice VF+/AVF, well centered, excellent bright metal,
bust well detailed in fine style. RARE variety, none on acsearch with Pi.
(Same but nothing below bull, VF, sold for $1651, Peus 11/08.) Starting Bid $275

63 PANTIKAPAION, Æ17, 4th-3rd cent BC, Pan head l./Head of bull l.; VF, centered
on irregular flan, looks like piece broken off from edge but struck that way; medium
brown; both heads have strong detail. (A GVF somewhat smoothed commanded a
price of $436, NAC 5/21.)
Starting Bid $25

64 PARTHIA, Mithradates I, 185-170 BC, Drachm, Sell. 10.1, bust in bashliq/archer
std r; AVF/VF+, nrly centered, well struck for this, bright metal, obv a tiny bit grainy,
rev lustery. (A GVF brought $863, Triton 1/13.) Starting Bid $90

65 PARTHIA, Mithradates I, Drachm, Sell. 11.1, bust l/Archer std r, AEF/EF, obv sl off-ctr
on large flan, minor crudeness, rev well centered & unusually well struck. Good metal.
Ex Pars Coins as Choice EF. (A GVF with lt scratches realized $858, CNG 5/23.)
Starting Bid $160

66 PARTHIA, Mithradates II, 121-91 BC, Æ18 Tetrachalkon, Bust l./Pegasos
flying r, Sell.27.7, Choice VF, glossy dark greenish patina, full clear rev lgnd, unusually
good for Parthian Æ. (A GVF with sl roughness brought $360, CNG eAuc 11/22.)
Starting Bid $70

67 PARTHIA, Mithradates II, Drachm, Sellw.28.1, Choice EF, well centered &
struck, portrait quite sharply detailed, dark original patina.
(An AEF brought $702, NY Sale 1/15.) Starting Bid $100

68 PARTHIA, Mithradates III (formerly known as Orodes I), Drachm, Sellw.31.6,
Mint State, obv well centered & sharply detailed, rev sl off-ctr & somewhat crude.
Bright lustrous silver. Ex Pars Coins as Choice FDC.
(A GVF sold for $306, Gorny 3/11;
EF $506, Triton 12/98.)
Starting Bid $100

69 PARTHIA, Orodes II, Drachm, Sell. 48.11, Choice VF-EF, well centered &
struck, excellent metal with lovely toning. Note unusually large sea horse on obv!
(A GVF brought $225, Astarte 6/10.) Starting Bid $75

70 PARTHIA, Phraates IV, Drachm, Sellw. 54.8, Choice EF, rev just a scootch off-ctr,
quite well struck on excellent metal with pleasant tone; unusually good quality for
this. (A VF realized $188, Kunker 3/10.) Starting Bid $90

71 PARTHIA, Artabanus II (Now called IV), Drachm, Sellw. 63.6, Virtually Mint, off-ctr
as always, rev has sl die bulge in center, good bright silver, portrait exceedingly sharp.
(An EF brought $546, Triton 1/04. Really!) Start Bid $50

72 PARTHIA, Vardanes I, c.40-45 AD, Drachm, Sellw. 64.34, AEF, sl crude as always
but better obv centering than usual with complete portrait; good silver with lt
tone. Excellent for this scarce provincial issue.
(Far better than a VF bringing $173, CNG 5/04.) Starting Bid $75

73 PARTHIA, Gotarzes II, Drachm, Sell.65.33 (no wart visible but identifiable by lgnd),
EF, obv somewhat off-ctr as always, well struck with sharp portrait & a good rev.
(A GVF sold for $702, NY Sale 1/15.) Starting Bid $55

74 PARTHIA, Meherdates (a/k/a Vonones II), c.51 AD, Drachm, Sell. 67.1, Facing bust
betw stars/Archer std r; Choice EF, usual low obv centering, quite sharply struck on
good bright metal. Very rare in this quality! (A GVF brought $725, Spink 3/09.)
Starting Bid $160

75 PARTHIA, Vologases I, Drachm, Sell. 70.13, Choice EF, sl off-ctr as usual,
excellent metal with lt tone, portrait quite sharp.
(An EF realized $310, Peus 5/96.)
Starting Bid $80

76 PARTHIA, Artabanus III, Drachm, Sell.74.6, EF, usual low obv centering, portrait
fully sharp, good metal. Very scarce issue.
(A VF brought $347, Kunker 10/20.)
Starting Bid $85

77 PARTHIA, Pakoros I (former Vologases III), 105-147 AD, Drachm, Sel. 78.5, Line as
seat below archer, EF, Obv nrly centered, rev sl off-ctr, bright metal, portrait very
(A VF+ brought $145, CGF 11/04.) Start Bid $55

78 PARTHIA, Mithradates V (formerly IV), Drachm, Sellw. 82.1, EF, nrly centered,
well struck, nice. Rare type distinctive for only 2 ribbon ties.
(A VF+ realized $166 on $180 bid in my 11/04 sale; GVF $410, NY Sale 1/15.)
Starting Bid $110

79 PARTHIA, Vologases IV, 147-191 AD, Æ17, Dichalkon, Sel. 84.44, F-VF, good
olive patina, strong features. Ex Pars as Ch. VF.
(Same var., VF [I grade F-VF] realized $373, Bertolami 3/18..) Starting Bid $20

80 PARTHIA, Osroes II, Drachm, Sellw. 85.3, EF, only sl off-ctr, bold obv, rev less
crude than usual, good metal, medium tone.
(An EF brought $283, Rauch 5/09.)
Starting Bid $55

81 PARTHIA, Vologases VI, 208-28 AD, Drachm, Sell. 88.18 Choice EF, obv centered
& sharply struck, rev somewhat off-ctr but less crude than usual; excellent metal with
(An EF, double struck rev, brought $245, Kunker 3/08). Start Bid $60

82 PARTHIA, Artabanus VI, 216-24 AD (Final Parthian King), Drachm, Sellw.89.1,
Nice VF+, centered, good strike, darkish tone in recesses, bold features.
(A GVF brought $408, Leu 9/19.) Starting Bid $195

83 PERGAMON, Æ18, 200-133 BC, Athena head r/trophy, VF/F-VF, obv sl off-ctr,
head complete, smooth dark green patina with hilighting, rev lgnd fully clear.
(A GVF realized $168, Peus 11/20.) Starting Bid $15

84 PERSIA, Siglos, c. 450-330 BC, King kneeling rt w/dagger & bow/punchmk; S4683;
AF, nrly centered on narrow thick flan, most of figure clear, good metal with lt tone.
(An AF brought $46 in my 8/91 sale. If you don't buy this, you may have to wait
another 1/3 century.)
Starting Bid $20

85 PERSIS, Napad (or Kapat, or Pupik), 1st cent AD, Obol, Bust left in tiara/bust l;
Alr. 614; Nice VF-EF, good strike for this with strong portraits, nice metal.
(A GVF sold for $224, Bertolami 9/19.) Starting Bid $40

86 PERSIS, Artaxerxes IV, c. 200 AD, Drachm, 19 mm, Bust l., monogram/Bust l.,
mural crown, Alr. 651; Choice EF, centered, well struck with both portraits well
detailed. Bright silver.
(A VF brought $698, Peus 4/21.) Starting Bid $125

87 PHISTELIA, Obol, 325-275 BC, Nymph head facg 3/4 left/lion l., coiled snake below;
F-VF, rev sl off-ctr, decent metal, face visible.
(A VF realized $570 (yes) CNG 9/21.)
Starting Bid $35

88 PHOKIS, Obol, c.478-460 BC, Facg bull head/boar forepart rt in incuse square; VF,
obv centered a little low, unround flan, darkish patina. Much detail. With certificate
signed by Sylvia Haffner.
(A VF with scrs & marks brought $506, Nomos 11/23.)
Starting Bid $60

89 RHODES, Drachm, 166-88 BC, Helios head r/Rose in incuse square, Magistrate
Agemaxos (rare); VF/AVF, obv centered, rev nrly so, tiny
surface faults on rev.
With certificate signed by Sylvia Haffner.
(Same magistrate, VF, brought $313, Roma 4/21.) Starting bid $75

90 SARDES, Æ14, c.133-14 BC, Apollo head r/club in wreath, AVF, rev sl off-ctr,
glossy dark greenish patina. Nice.
(A VF realized $120, CNG eAuc 2/22.) Starting Bid $15

91 SELGE, Obol, 350-300 BC, Facing Gorgon head/Athena head r, knucklebone behind;
VF, obv sl off-ctr but face complete & clear; decent metal.
(A GVF brought $324, Tauler 2/22.) Starting bid $22

92 SELINUS, Æ15 (Hemilitron), c.412-409 BC, Herakles head in lion scalp r/bow
& bowcase, VF, brown patina, insignificant roughness, strong detail on head.
(A Near VF realized $492, Roma 1/21; GVF $743, Bertolami 12/19.) Start bid $60

93 SYRACUSE, Æ15x17 (Hemilitron), 415-405 BC, Nymph head l/dolphin over
shell, S1187, F-VF, nrly centered on sl unround flan, darkish greenish patina, sl
roughness, reasonable detail on head. (An F-VF brought $61 on $90 bid in my
6/97 sale; GVF $1663, Kunker 4/22.)
Start bid $20

94 SYRACUSE, Æ19, Hieron II, 275-215 BC, Poseidon hd l./ trident, S1223; VF,
nrly centered, lt brown patina, loads of detail on head.
(A VF brought $315, Peus 4/14.) Start Bid $45

95 SYRIA, Seleukos II, 246-226 BC, Æ19x21, Apollo head r/tripod, VF, centered on
oval flan, dark brown patina with earthen hilighting, bold features. This coin is over
2,000 years old!!
(A VF was flogged for $98, Naumann 8/23) Start Bid $15

96 SYRIA, Antiochos IV, 175-164 BC, Æ14, Head of Laodike IV rt/elephant head l.,
X below; VF, a touch off-ctr but heads complete, nice dark brown patina with
orangy hilighting, obv head quite bold.
(A VF with uncertain control mark sold for $202, CNG eAuc 12/08.) Starting Bid $20

97 SYRIA, Tryphon, 142-138 BC, Æ19, Head rt/Helmet, S7089; VF/F, minimally
off-ctr, hilighted brown patina, sl roughness/crudeness mainly on rev, good portrait
(A VF brought $528, Gorny 3/12.) Start Bid $20

98 SYRIA, Cleopatra & Antiochos VIII, 121-120 BC, Tet., Conjoined heads r/Zeus
std l, monograms, date BYP below, SC 2267.2a; Choice AEF/VF+, nrly centered &
well struck, good metal with lt tone, portraits quite boldly detailed. Excellent quality.
(Same variety, VF with roughness, realized $4113, CNG 5/14.) Starting Bid $800

99 SYRIA, Antiochos IX, 113-95 BC, Æ18, Head r/winged thunderbolt, S7170;
AVF, centered, dark patina with earthen hilighting, much detail.
(An AVF brought $40 in my last sale; VF $197, CNG eAuc 9/05.) Starting Bid $20

100 SYRIA, Philip Philadelphos, 93-83 BC, Tet., His head r/ Zeus std l hldg Victory,
Pi below; Choice EF, nrly centered, good bright silver, quite sharp details.
(Same variety EF brought $480, Triton 1/15.) Start Bid $220

101 SYRIA, Philip Philadelphos, 93-83 BC, Tet., His head r/ Zeus std l hldg
Victory, EF, obv somewhat crowded at top & sl wk at throat, hair detail strong;
rev centered & sharp.
Starting bid $140

102 TARAS, Nomos, 281-270 BC, Soldier on rearing horse restrained by Victory/
Phalanthus of Sparta astride dolphin, hldg shield, IOP; COPY!, on a thick bronze
looking flan, well made & attractive, EF. Rare type.
Starting bid $10

103 TEOS, Diobol, 320-294 BC, Griffin std r/lyre, Magistrate DIOYCHES; VF, a little
off-ctr but types complete, well struck, nice metal with lt tone
. (A VF, same variety,
brought $205 on $250 bid in my 4/22 omnium gatherum.)
Starting bid $70

JUDAEA, HOLYLAND, JUDAICA, etc. (Hendin 6th Edn #s)

104 Antiochos VII of Syria, Jerusalem mint, Æ14, Anchor/Lily, Hen-6165 (old 1131);
F-VF, lt brown, nrly centered, minor roughness, decently clear.
(A GVF brought $482, Gorny 3/23.) Starting Bid $20

105 John Hyrcanus I, 135-104 BC, Prutah, Hen-6172 (old 1133); Lgnd in wreath/
crossed cornucopiae, but non-conforming lgnd?? VF, nrly centered & well struck,
brown patina, lgnd mostly clear.

(A Near VF of this type realized $329, Kunker 3/20.)
Starting Bid $35

106 John Hyrcanus I, H-6177 (old 1141), F-VF or so, sl off-ctr & crudish, brown
patina, legend pretty good.
(A VF brought $720, CNG 2/22. I repeat, $720.)
Bid $20

107 Alexander Jannaeus, 104-76 BC, Prutah, H-6181 (old 1145), AJC Ea37; VF+,
lgnd centered & quite strong, other side somewhat off-ctr; medium brown patina.
(Actually nicer than an EF bringing $870, Heritage 9/21.) Starting Bid $35

108 Alexander Jannaeus, Prutah, H-6181, VF/F, dark brown patina with earthen
hilighting, excellent strong lgnd, other side off-ctr & crude.
(A Near VF realized $336, Roma 4/21.) Starting Bid $20

109 Alexander Jannaeus, Hen-6186 (old 1159, attributed as Salome Alexandra,
Regent); AVF, somewhat off-ctr, dark olive patina with a little hilighting, most of lgnd
clear. Scarcer type.
(A VF realized $76 on $100 bid in my 11/07 sale; GVF $420,
CNG 1/23.)
Starting Bid $20

110 Mattathias Antigonos, 40-37 BC, 4 Prutot (19 mm), Hen-6198 (old 1163),
Single cornucopia/lgnd in wreath; my crazy conservative grading AVF/F, dark green
patina with earthen hilighting, obv nrly centered with most lgnd present, rev much
off-ctr but lgnd visible. Quite good for this &
(Actually at least equal to a VF bringing $900, CNG 1/23.) Start Bid $120

111 Herod the Great 40-4 BC, Prutah H-6219 (old 1188), Double cornucopiae/anchor
& lgnd, VF, centered & clear strike, light olive-brown patina with hilighting, quite good
for this.
(An AVF in my 9/22 sale brought $135 on $225 bid; GVF $822, Kunker 3/20.)
Start Bid $80

112 Herod Archelaus 4 BC - 6 AD, Half Prutah, H-6228b (old 1197 var), Prow, H
below/NEO in wreath. F-VF or so, a little crude but nrly centered on unround flan
with casting sprue. Brown patina with some earthen hilighting. Scarce type &
variety with backwards lgnd.
(Normal variety, VF, realized $569, Savoca 7/21.)
Start Bid $25

113 Valerius Gratus, 15-26 AD, Prutah, H-6369 (old 1340), 3-line Tiberius lgnd in
wreath, Palm frond, Yr 11; F, obv sl off-ctyr & partly weak, darkish greenish brown.
(A GVF, not that much better, realized $420, CNG 1/23.) Starting Bid $15

114 Pontius Pilate, 26-36 AD, Prutah, H-6371a (old 1342a), Lituus/LIZ in wreath,
the Z backwards; F/VG, unround flan, centered but crude with much wkness, the
lituus however quite bold; dark patina.
(An NGC "Choice F" brought $312, Heritage 7/23.) Starting Bid $40

115 Antoninus Felix, Prutah, H-6376 (old 1347), Lgnd in wreath naming Julia
Agrippina, wife of Claudius/Yr 14 betw crossed palm branches, lgnd; VF, somewhat
off-ctr, greenish-brown patina with strong earthen hilighting, quite bold & nice.
(A GVF brought $600, CNG 9/21.) Starting Bid $50

116 Agrippa II & Domitian, Caesarea Maritima, H-6347 (old 1317), Æ19, Domitian
head r/Nike writing on shield; AVF, just a teensy weensy bit off-ctr, much of lgnds
wk, medium brown, strong portrait with clear laurel wreath.
(A VF [rough] brought $252, CNG 9/14.) Starting Bid $60

117 Vespasian, Den, IVDAEA, Jewess mourning by trophy, Hen-6509; Choice AEF,
sl ragged flan, virtually full obv lgnd, strong portrait of fine style, Jewess unusually
well detailed. Ltly toned.
(A GVF brought $6000, Triton 1/22.) Starting Bid $850

118 Hadrian, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem), Æ21, Bust r/Ruler plowing with oxen,
vexillum in background; Mesh.2, RPC 3964, Rosen.1; F-VF, centered, obv lgnd wk,
nice portrait with much detail, rev fully clear; greenish-brown patina with some
RARE. Ex Goldberg 2/21 auction as VF, SOLD FOR $2160.
Starting Bid $600

119 Elagabalus, Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem), Æ22, bust r/ Facing quadriga with
stone of Emesa, Rosen.77; G-VG, virtually no lgnds, medium brown, small piece out of
edge at top. Rare. (An NGC VG brought $360, Heritage 5/20. Start Bid $50

120 Hungary, Stefan V, 1270-72, Ar Denar, bust l, lgnd/ Hebrew letter Aleph betw
birds; VF, somewhat off-ctr, good metal, lt tone.
(A VF brought $178, Triton 1/10.)
Start Bid $40

121 COPIES, 1st & 2nd Revolts, Shekel plus 2 diff Zuz, non-silver but nicely made,
toned EF.
Starting Bid $7


122 BRONZE, Semuncia, 217-215 BC, Mercury hd r/Prow r, Cr.38/7, Sy.87; F-VF,
well centered on ovalish flan, dark brownish green patina, minor roughness, much
detail visible, quite decent. (An F-VF brought $109 on $115 bid in my 1/19 sale.)
Starting Bid $35

123 SILVER, Victoriatus, after 211 BC, Jupiter head r/Victory crowning trophy,
Cr. 53/1, Sy.83; F, sl off-ctr, good strong head.
(A F sold for $132, CNG eAuc 4/24.)
Starting Bid $30

124 Atilius Saranus, 155 BC, Den., Cr.199/1a, Sy.377, Roma head r/Victory in biga r;
F-VF, centered, well struck, excellent metal with nice old toning. Very nice for grade.
(A VF with graffiti brought $308, Agora (who owes me money) 1/16.) Starting Bid $60

125 Cn. Lucretius Trio, Den, 136 BC, Cr. 237/1a, Sy.450; Roma head r/Dioscuri on
horses r, VF, obv w wee bit off-ctr, nice metal with lt tone.
(A VF realized $300, Peus 4/05.) Starting Bid $90

126 L. Antestius Gragulus, Den., 136 BC, Cr. 238/1, Sy.451 Roma head r/Jupiter in
quadriga r; VF-EF, nrly centered, sl ragged flan, sl uneven dark toning; strong details.
(A GVF brought $360, Kunker 4/22.) If you purchase this, Mexico will pay for it.
Starting Bid $100

127 C. Aburius Geminus, 134 BC, Den., Cr.244/1, Sy.490; Roma head r/Mars in
quadriga r; Choice AEF, well centered & struck, on sl ragged flan, excellent metal
with lt tone, very nice.
(An EF realized $1109, Kunker 4/22.) Starting Bid $200

128 Appius Claudius Pulcher, T. Manlius Mancinus, Q, Urbinus & Morty Moskowitz,
Den, 111-110 BC, Cr. 299/1b, Sy.570a; Roma head r/Victory in triga r; VF, rev centered
sl high; good metal, lt tone.
(A GVF brought $291, CNG 11/11.) Start Bid $85

129 L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi, 90 BC, Den, Cr.340/1, Sy.661, Apollo head r,
numeral behind/horseman r, RA monogram below, numeral above; EF, bright
metal, lusterlike on obv, rev a bit crude with touch of roughness; very sharp hair
detail on bust.
(An EF realized $1277, Gorny 4/21.) Starting Bid $140

130 C. Vibius Pansa, 90 BC, Cr. 342/4b, Sy.685;. Apollo head r/Minerva in
quadriga l; VF/AVF, nrly centered, well struck, nice metal with lt tone.
Scarce with
quadriga going left, because that often resulted in crashes.
(A VF brought $598, Gorny 10/12.) Starting Bid $100

131 Nonius Sufenas, 59 BC, Den, Cr. 421/1, Sy.885, Saturn head r/Victory crowning
std Roma; Choice AEF, a hair off-ctr on big round flan, everything complete; good strike;
nice metal with lt tone. Scarce.
(A GVF sold for $2644, Triton 1/14.) Starting Bid $250

132 T. Carisius, 46 BC, Den, Cr.464/2, Sy.321, Juno Moneta head r/Moneyer tools in
wreath; AVF, obv sl wk at left edge, rev sl off-ctr & partly wk struck (very typical and
not bad for this sloppy issue); good metal with lt tone.
(A VF with faults brought
$481 on $560 bid in my 9/14 sale; GVF with sl porosity & scrs $2450, CNG 10/22.)
Starting Bid $120

133 IMPERATORIAL. POMPEY, Den., by Cnaeus Pompey, in Spain; Roma head r/
Hispania greeting Pompey; Sy.1035a, Cr. 469/1; EF, sl off-ctr, quite sharply struck with
good detail, nice metal with medium toning. (An AEF realized $2516, Lanz 12/10.)
Starting bid $450

134 MARC ANTONY, Den., Legionary Den., Galley/Aquila betw standards, LEG III;
EF, obv nrly centered & complete, rev somewhat off-ctr with just the top of the III
clinging on by its fingernails; good metal with sl uneven obv tone.
(Same var., granular EF brought $3819, CNG 5/15.) Starting Bid $450

135 AHENOBARBUS, Den, bust r/trophy on prow, COPY!, struck, appears sil with
tone, EF, style far from correct. A cute little item.
Starting Bid $8


136 AUGUSTUS, As, Laur hd r/ROM ET AVG, Altar of Lugdunum; a high-end
barbarous issue indicated by lgnd sl wonky; VF-EF/VF, moderately off-ctr but only few
rev letters off; good smooth medium brown. Excellent detailed portrait!
Highly intriguing coin. Starting Bid $90

137 AUGUSTUS (Octavian, actually) Egypt, Æ21 (Obol - 40 Drach), Bare head r/Eagle
stg l, M in rt field; F, rev off-ctr, medium brown, a bit rough & crude. The first
Roman Egyptian coin, continuation of the Cleopatra series. Ex-CNG 2003 auction as
"very rare" & Near VF.
(Same var., rough F, brought $685, CNG 2/08.) Starting Bid $80

138 AUGUSTUS & Rhoemetalkes of Thrace, Æ19, Rhoemetalkes hd r/Augustus head
rt, F+, centered, pale green patina with busts contrasting brown & quite strong; lgnds wk.
(A VF brought $600, CNG eAuc 5/21.) Starting Bid $60

139 TIBERIUS, Den, "Biblical Tribute Penny," Bust r/PONTIF MAXIM, Livia std r;
EF/AEF, centered (obv lgnd crowded at top), lgnds sl crude, bright silver, portrait
sharply detailed.
(A GVF realized $2700, CNG 9/21.) Start Bid $750

140 GERMANICUS, Dupondius, issued by Caligula, Germanicus in triumphal
quadriga r/Germanicus stg l; RIC 57; Choice VF, centered & well struck, darkish
brown patina, lt smoothing with insignificant roughness remaining. Good bold
(Compare a GVF with lt corrosion bringing $3005, Kunker 3/16; GVF $4327,
Leu 5/19.)
Starting Bid $650

betw trophies atop arch, RIC 114; Choice AEF, well centered & struck, modest sized
edge split, glossy olive-green patina with lt smoothing. Boldly detailed. Rare and a
truly great specimen.
(A GVF brought $8156, NAC 4/08.) Starting bid $3000

142 CLAUDIUS, As, bust l./LIBERTAS AVGVSTA, Libertas stg r, Choice VF+, well
centered & struck, full strong lgnds; greenish-brown patina, minimally rough with
some glossiness. Good hair detail on portrait.
(A GVF with lt smoothing realized $1610, CNG 9/08.) Starting Bid $150

143 BRITANNICUS, Æ16, Smyrna, His head r/Nike adv r with trophy; F+/AF, glossy
darkish greenish-brown patina, only minor traces of roughness, portrait quite bold.
(A F+/VG brought $331 on $375 bid in my 2/21 sale.) Start Bid $100

144 NERO, Den, SALVS std l, Nice F-VF/F, nrly centered, sl lgnd crowding, good
metal with lt tone.
(A F/VG was sold for $450, Berk 5/12.) Starting Bid $140

145 NERO, As, Bare head r/SC, Victory l., hldg shield with SPQR: VF, centered, full
strong lgnd, deep green patina, very sl roughness but glossy, portrait well detailed; nice.
(A GVF brought $1725, CNG 6/05.) Starting Bid $135

146 NERO, Egypt, Tet, Bust rt/Serapis bust r; VF+/VF-EF, sl off-ctr on ovoid flan,
partial lgnds, nice lt brown surfaces, both heads well detailed.
(A VF realized $370, Peus 4/09.) Starting Bid $100

147 NERO, Caesarea, Ar Hemidrachm, Bust r/ARMENIA C, Nike adv rt; much of lgnd
wk, otherwise F-VF, bright silver, strong portrait with much detail.
(An NGC Ch. F with scrs brought $408, Heritage 7/22..) Starting Bid $35

148 CLODIUS MACER, Den, Bust r/galley, COPY!, struck, appears silver with tone,
EF, sharp, style way wrong.
Starting Bid $8

149 OTHO, Antioch Æ28, Laur hd r/SC in wreath; VF, centered, pale reddish-brown
patina, ltly rough, lgnd rather wk, portrait with strong laurel wreath detail.
(A GVF sl rough realized $5040, Leu 10/18.) Starting Bid $130

150 VESPASIAN, Sest, ROMA stg l, RIC 190; Choice VF-EF, centered, glossy dark
greenish patina, sl smoothing/tooling, a few minor surface imperfections. Very
imposing coin.
(Same variety, GVF brought $3326, Kunker 4/22.) Starting Bid $450

151 VESPASIAN, Phrygia, Amorium, Æ18, Zeus std l; VF, sl off-ctr, dark green patina,
sl roughness, partial lgnds, portrait with quite strong laurel wreath.
(A GF realized $93, Naumann 11/17.) Start bid $25

152 TITUS, Den, TRP IX IMP XV COS VIII PP, elephant l, RIC22a; Nice strong F,
centered with full lgnds, good metal, problem free & bold.
(A F brought $250, Berk 5/06.) Starting bid $80

153 TITUS, Antioch, Æ21, bust r/SC in wreath; VF, nrly centered, scant lgnd, brown
patina with orangy hilighting, good portrait detail.
(A VF realized $110 in my last sale.) Starting bid $25

154 DOMITIAN, Den, IMP XXII COS XVII CENS PPP, Minerva stg l, Nice EF, centered,
full lgnds, old collection toning.
(An EF brought $897, Gorny 10/15.) Start Bid $150

155 DOMITIAN, As, MONETA AVGVSTI, Moneta stg l; VF-EF, nrly centered, lgnds
partly crude/wk, dark greenish patina, trace of smoothing with still some roughness
mainly on rev; nice strongly detailed portrait.
(A GVF with lt scrs realized $863, CNG 6/06.) Starting bid $80

156 DOMITIAN, Antioch, Æ20, Bust l./SC in wreath; AVF/VF, centered, obv lgnd rather
wk (DOM certain), dark patina with strong orangy hilighting, strong portrait.
(A VF brought $58 on $75 bid in my 5/95 sale.) Starting Bid $20

157 DOMITIAN, Egypt Æ33 (Drachm), Rev Ruler on biga drawn by 2 centaurs;
G-VG, medium brown, lt porosity, rougher strip down rev right; portrait quite bold.
With certif signed by Sylvia Haffner. VERY RARE.
(A Near F brought $570, CNG eAuc 11/16. Not fake news.) Starting Bid $50

158 DOMITIA, Lydia, Sardis, Æ20, Boule & Nemesis stg, RPC 1322.14, F+, centered,
obv lgnd weak, better on rev; dark greenish patina with sl hilighting; portrait fairly bold.
(A GF sold for $147, Naumann 4/17.) Starting bid $45

159 NERVA, Antioch, Æ21, Bust r/SC/K in wreath, F, centered, scant obv lgnd, dark
patina with strongly contrasting orangy hilighting, bold characteristic portrait.
Start bid $15

160 TRAJAN, Den, SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI, 3 standards; F-VF, obv lgnd complete,
rev lgnd partly crude/crowded, only slightest surface imperfections only a fool
would mention. Scarcer type.
(Same var., Abt F, brought $99, Heritage 3/21.)
Start Bid $25

161 TRAJAN, 1/2 Quadrans or Uncia, Bust r, no lgnd/SC in wreath; VF, dark patina
with strong earthen hilighting. Portrait with much detail. Scarce; the smallest of all
Roman coins.
(An AVF with patina stripped realized $275, Leu 2/21.) Starting Bid $40

162 TRAJAN, Semis, Radiate hd r/DAC PARTHICO etc around wreath, SC in center;
VF+/VF, obv a touch off-ctr crowding some lgnd, medium brown patina, sl roughness
mainly on rev, nice well-detailed portrait.
(A VF with sl rev corr brought $431, CNG 6/06.) Start bid $55

163 TRAJAN, Egypt, Æ14, Chalkous, LIZ, oinochoe (jug); VF/F, irregular flan, rev sl
off-ctr but complete, dark greenish patina with strong orangy hilighting, portrait
well detailed.
RARE type, rarer date.
(A VF, diff year, no better, brought $156, CNG 12/21.) Starting Bid $40

164 TRAJAN, Arabia, Bostra, Ar Drachm, Rev Arabia stg with camel; VF-EF/VF,
obv minimally off-ctr, few letters off, a few wk on rev; good bright silver; strongly
detailed portrait.
(A GVF realized $337, Triton 1/22.) Starting Bid $75

165 TRAJAN, Antioch, Æ25, SC, H below, in wreath; VF, obv off-ctr losing lgnd at rt,
dark greenish patina with earthen hilighting, strong portrait detail.
(A VF sold for $134, CNG eAuc 12/10.) Starting Bid $25

166 HADRIAN, Den, COS III, Virtus stg r, VF/F-VF, full lgnds, good metal with lt tone.
(A VF brought $129, Naumann 6/17.) Starting bid $40

167 HADRIAN, Uncia or 1/2 Quadrans, Bust r, no lgnd/SC over Gamma in wreath;
F-VF, centered, dark patina with strong orangy hilighting, nice for this & scarce.
(A F+ brought $82 on $100 bid in my 6/97 sale; GVF $483 CNG 5/08.) Start bid $20

168 HADRIAN, Antioch, Æ18, Bust r/Tyche bust r; VF, dark patina with a little
earthen hilighting, lgnds mostly wk, both heads with much detail.
(A GVF fetched $164, CNG eAuc 12/08.) Starting bid $20

169 HADRIAN, Caesarea, Ar Hemidrachm, Victory adv r, ET-Delta; VF/AEF, centered,
obv a bit crude & rough, decent detailed portrait, rev quite nice.
(A VF (diff date) realized $192, CNG eAuc 3/17.) Starting Bid $25

170 ANTINOUS, Smyrna, Medallion, 39 mm, Antinous head l./bull stg r, RPC 1975;
RESTRIKE, AEF, bronze (possibly plated), very well made, AEF, quite nice.
(A very similar later cast brought $932, Kolner 4/20.) Starting Bid $75

171 ANTONINUS PIUS, Den, IMPERATOR II, Victory stg l; Choice VF, nrly centered,
full lgnds, excellent metal with lt old tone.
(A GVF sold for $288, VAuc 12/08.)
Starting bid $40

172 ANTONINUS PIUS, As, SC, Minerva stg r, RIC 826; Choice VF, centered, full
strong lgnd, medium brown patina, nice detailed portrait.
(Same variety, GVF ("very rare") brought $232, Roma 8/23.) Starting bid $90

173 ANTONINUS PIUS, Antioch, Æ17, Bust left/SC, eagle below, in wreath; VF, dark
patina with strong lt orangy hilighting, high contrast; much portrait detail.
Start bid $18

174 FAUSTINA SR., Sest, AVGVSTA, Ceres stg l w/2 torches, RIC 1120, CH EF, centered
& well struck, portrait & Ceres very sharply detailed; small edge crack; glossy dark
greenish-brown patina, perhaps with some subtle smoothing.
(An AEF [I'd grade lower] brought $2822, Bertolami 9/17.) Start Bid $450

175 FAUSTINA SR., Den, AETERNITAS (or Providentia) stg l, veil blown out, EF,
centered, bright metal, lgnds somewhat crude, nigglingly rough but bright silver,
sharp detail on hair & rev figure.
(Same var., EF brought $543, Kunker 3/12.)
Starting Bid $50

176 MARCUS AURELIUS, Den., TRP XXIX IMP VIII COS III, Felicitas stg l, RIC 330;
VF-EF/VF, sl off-ctr, small parts of lgnds crowded/crude, good metal, excellent
portrait quality. With certificate signed by Sylvia Haffner.
(Same var., VF, realized $307, Naumann 5/24.) Starting bid $50

177 FAUSTINA JR, Den., VESTA std l, RIC 737; AEF/EF, well centered, good metal
with lt tone, rev rather better struck than usual.
(An EF brought $275, Pegasi 5/16.)
Starting bid $100

in exergue; VF/F, decent metal, few letters off on obv, rev lgnd mostly soft struck,

nice strong portrait. (A porous VF sold for $91, Nomos 9/24.) Starting Bid $30

179 LUCIUS VERUS, Cyrrhestica, Hierapolis, Æ20x23, bust left/2 line lgnd
in wreath; F/AVF, obv lgnd very wk, rev fully clear, dark patina with orangy
hilighting. Rare with bust left.
(A VF with bust rt brought $148, Roma 8/18.)
Start Bid $8

180 CLODIUS ALBINUS (translates to "White Clod"), Den., MINER PACIF COS II,
Minerva stg l, AVF/F, centered on smallish flan, lgnds wk/crowded, ltly rough overall,
I can't sugar coat that, but portrait is strongly detailed.
(A F+/F realized $200, iNumis 10/10.) Starting bid $65

181 PESCENNIUS NIGER, Caesarea-Germanica Æ28x30, Bust r/Nike adv l, SNG
Von Aul 6978; around F/VG, moderately rough dark brown patina, lgnds wk, but
portrait quite reasonable.
(Only one example on acs, a GVF bringing $3163, Triton 1/03.) Starting bid $250

182 SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS, Den, PM TRP XV COS III PP, Africa stg r, with lion,
RIC 207, EF/AEF, centered, good bright silver, minor lgnd crudeness, sharp portrait.
(Same variety EF with sl marks realized $450, CNG 7/22.) Start Bid $100

183 SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS, Den, PM TRP XIIII COS III PP, Annona stg l, just about
makes VF, well centered, decent metal. A coin so extreme in its ordinariness that it's
actually rare thus.
(A GVF brought $168, Triton 1/22.) Start Bid $30

184 SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS, Den, VICTORIAE AVGG FEL, Victory flying l, by shield;
AEF, well centered, with sl crudeness/roughness in lgnds, but bright lustery metal &
sharp portrait.
(A Near EF with sl roughness sold for $156, CNG eAuc 11/23.)
Starting Bid $50

185 SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS & ABGAR VIII of Edessa, Æ15, Bust r/bust r, VF/F, obv sl
off-ctr, weakish lgnds, green patina with earthen hilighting. Both portraits good.
RARE in this small module.
(A GVF brought $339, Leu 2/20.) Starting bid $20

186 JULIA DOMNA, Den, DIANA LVCIFERA, Diana stg with torch; EF/AEF, well
centered, moderately toned (sl unevenly).
(An AEF realized $395, NAC 11/07.)
Start Bid $80

187 JULIA DOMNA, Den, HILARITAS stg l, with kiddies, EF/VF, rev sl off-ctr on sl
ragged flan, good metal with lt tone.
(An EF/AEF brought $181 on $224 bid in
my 12/20 sale.)
Starting bid $65

188 JULIA DOMNA, ANT, VENVS GENETRIX, Venus std l, Choice EF, well centered &
struck, good metal with lt tone & luster in recesses.
(A VF brought $241 in my 5/98 sale; EF-/VF+ $775, Aureo & Calico 3/12.)
Start Bid $170

189 JULIA DOMNA, As, 4 Vestals before temple, AF/G+, centered, somewhat murky
brown patina, obv lgnd wk, none on rev, the 4 Vestals visible.
(A VG sold for $228, CNG 3/23.) Starting bid $25

190 JULIA DOMNA, Antiochia, Æ22x25, Tyche stg l; AVF, full lgnds, somewhat thick
olive patina with earthen hilighting.
(A VF with roughness brought $104, CNG 2/14.)
Starting bid $20

191 CARACALLA, Den, Youthful bust/PONTIF TRP VIII COS II, Salus std l, EF,
well centered, good metal with lt tone.
(Same var., GVF, brought $339, Naumann 3/18). Starting Bid $110

192 CARACALLA, Den, PM TRP XVIII COS IIII PP, Pax stg l, RIC 268; EF/VF+. nrly
centered, sl lgnd crudeness, ltly toned obv, lustery rev, sharp bearded portrait.
(Compare a GVF , same variety, sold for $179, CNG 1/11.) Starting Bid $65

193 CARACALLA, Sest, PROVIDENTIAE DEORVM, Providentia stg l, F+, complete
tho wk lgnds, brown patina, signifgicantly rough, but portrait decent with much detail.
(A rough F, about equal, brought $336, CNG 10/16.) Starting Bid $40

194 CARACALLA, Antioch, Tet, Eagle facg, hd r, star atop cornucopiae betw legs,
Pr.242; Choice AEF, nrly centered, good silver, quite nice for this. Scarce!
(Same variety, EF, realized $840, CNG 1/19.) Starting bid $100

195 CARACALLA, Antioch, Æ15, Radiate hd l./E-SC-Delta in wreath; Choice VF,
centered, obv lgnd crowded, dark green patina with nice strong orangy hilighting.
Starting bid $20

196 PLAUTILLA, Den, VENVS VICTRIX, Venus stg w/shield & cupid; AVF, well centered
& struck, good metal with lt tone, sugar & spice & everything nice.
(An F-VF brought $67 on $81 bid in my 1/10 auction.) Starting bid $35

197 GETA, Pautalia, Æ20, Tyche stg l; Choice VF, a hair off-ctr, sl ragged flan,
glossy dark patina. Research shows this weirdly rare with Tyche. Starting Bid $35

198 MACRINUS, Den, FIDES MILITVM, Fides & 2 standards, AVF, centered on sl
ragged flan, obv lgnd partly wk, faintly grainy.
(A VF+ brought $330, CGF 11/04.)
Starting Bid $65

199 MACRINUS, Nikopolis, Æ26, Nike stg l, at column; AVF/F, full obv lgnd, rev
wkly struck at bottom, smooth dark greenish patina, portrait very nice.
(An AEF/GVF with sl wkness realized $1001, Kunker 7/23.) Start bid $35

200 DIADUMENIAN, Antioch, Æ21, SC, Delta above, E below, in wreath; Nice F-VF/VF,
sl off-ctr on large flan, strongly hilited patina.
(A F+ brought $76 in my 11/12 sale.)

Start bid $20

201 ELAGABALUS, Den, LIBERTAS AVG, Libertas stg l, star rt, AEF/VF+, centered,
good metal with lt tone, nice. With certif signed by Sylvia Haffner.
(Same var., VF+ brought $175, CGB 4/08.) Starting Bid $50

202 ELAGABALUS, Den, Horned bust/SACER DEI SOLIS ELAGAB, Ruler sacrificing
rt, AEF/VF, good metal with luster & lt tone.
(A GVF realized $224, CNG eAuc 5/12.)
Start Bid $50

203 ELAGABALUS, Antioch, Æ21, radiate bust r/SC, Delta-E & eagle in wreath;
VF/AVF, hilighted patina, obv lgnd wk, portrait well detailed.
(Same var., VF brought $101, CNG eAuc 12/10.) Starting bid $15

204 ELAGABALUS, Philippopolis, Æ18, Nude athlete stg crowning himself,
Nice VF, centered, full lgnds, dark green patina.
(A VF with flaws brought $67, CNG 6/12.) Starting Bid $25

205 JULIA MAESA, Den, PIETAS AVG, Pietas stg l; RIC 263, EF, tiny edge split,
lustery metal, sl rev crudeness, portrait very sharp.
(An EF realized $368, Hirsch 9/19.) Start Bid $100

206 SEVERUS ALEXANDER, Den, PROVIDENTIA AVG, Annona stg l, EF/VF+, centered
on large sl ragged flan, good bright metal, portrait very sharp.
(A VF+ brought $358 + buyer fee, iNumis 3/13.) Starting Bid $80

207 SEVERUS ALEXANDER, Den, VIRTVS AVG, Virtus stg r; EF, centered, good metal
with lt tone.
(A Near EF realized $237, Naumann 6/21.) Starting Bid $90

Choice EF/VF+, sl egg-shaped flan, end of rev lgnd absent, dark greenish-brown patina,
trace of smoothing, portrait quite sharp.
Rare in this high quality.
(A GVF brought $507, Kunker 12/16.) Starting Bid $165

209 SEVERUS ALEXANDER, Nikaia, Æ22, 3 standards, VF, large flan, full lgnds,
dark greenish patina, shallow depression above ear.
(A VF sold for $155, Elsen 9/94.) Starting Bid $22

210 JULIA MAMAEA, Den, IVNO CONSERVATRIX, Juno stg l, peacock; EF, ragged flan,
sl lgnd crudeness, lustery metal, sharp portrait
(An EF brought $584 Gorny 4/21)
Start Bid $85

211 MAXIMINUS I, Den, SALVS AVGVSTI, Salus std l, Choice EF/VF-EF, large flan,
nice metal with lt tone. With certificate signed by Sylvia Haffner.
(An EF brought $919, Triton 1/23.) Starting Bid $85

212 PAULINA, Den, Veiled head r/CONSECRATIO, Paulina on flying peacock;
Choice EF, centered, well struck, good lustery metal with lt tone. Ex Harlan Berk as
Mint State.
(A GEF brought $3600, Gorny 3/13.) Starting Bid $850

213 MAXIMUS, Sest, PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS, Max stg w/2 standards, VF+, well
centered, full lgnds, glossy deep green patina with minor touches of roughness at
rims; outstanding portrait with near EF detail, virtually every little hair visible.
(A GVF realized $1177, Gorny 10/11.) Start Bid $300

214 GORDIAN III, Ant., PM TRP V COS II PP, Ruler stg r; Choice Virtually Mint State,
well centered & struck, sharp portrait & rev better than usual; good lustrous silver.
(A Near Mint brought $178 on $200 bid, FSR 12/11.) Starting Bid $95

215 GORDIAN III, Ant, VIRTVTI AVGVSTI, Hercule stg r (based on famed Farnese
Hercules sculpture); VF-EF, centered on large sl ragged flan, good strike, bright lustery
(A GVF brought $199, Naumann 11/21.) Starting Bid $40

216 GORDIAN III, Hadrianopolis Æ27, Hermes stg l; VF/F, small wk area at edge each
side, dark green patina, somewhat rough mainly on rev, portrait well detailed.
(A VF realized $156, CNG 12/16.) Starting Bid $18

217 GORDIAN III, Caesarea, Ar Drachm, Mt Argaeus, date ET-Delta below; EF,
end part of obv lgnd crowded/wk, otherwise sharply struck with unusually strong
detail on portrait & rev. Good metal with lt tone.
(An EF brought $301 on $350 bid in my 11/13 sale.) Starting Bid $100

218 PHILIP I, Ant, PM TRP III COS PP, Felicitas stg l; Mint State, well centered on
big flan, rev lgnd somewhat crude; amazing superb sharp portrait; great brilliant luster.
(An EF sold for $185, Artemide 10/10.) Starting Bid $100

219 PHILIP I, Antioch Tet, Laur head rt/Eagle facg, head l, SC below, Choice
EF+/VF-EF, large flan, excellent lustery silver, rev sl double struck; a superb bold obv
with tremendous sharp portrait. Pr. 316;
Very Rare, this rev normally comes with
radiate bust.
(Same variety, NEF realized $351 Naumann 12/24.) Starting Bid $110

220 PHILIP I, Nisibis Æ27, Laur hd r/Tyche, ram above, in temple; VF, dark patina
with strong orangy hilighting, minor fault in obv margin, another on rev left column;
well-detailed portrait.
(A GVF brought $151, CNG 8/04.) Starting Bid $25

221 PHILIP II, Antioch Tet, Bust r/Eagle l, ANTIOXIA SC below; Choice EF, rev a
hair off-ctr, well struck on good silver with lt tone, portrait quite sharply detailed &
of unusually fine style. Ex Gorny as EF.
(Another EF sold for $822, Gorny 10/12.)
Starting Bid $100

222 PHILIP II, Nisibis, Æ26, Radiate bust l./Tyche in temple; F-VF, some of lgnds
wk, portrait quite bold, dark patina with dramatic orangy contrast.
(A VF realized $259, CNG 9/06.) Starting Bid $18

223 TRAJAN DECIUS, Ant, GENIVS EXERC ILLYRICIANI, Genius stg l, standard;
Mint State, lgnds complete tho typically crude, bright lustrous silver, teensy edge
crack, sm die break in obv field, portrait well struck for this.
(An EF with flaws, not nice, brought $245, Lanz 11/87.) Starting Bid $60

224 TRAJAN DECIUS, Antioch Tet., Laur head r/Eagle stg r, SC below; VF, bright silver
but moderate roughness.
(A VF+/F+ sold for $98 on $125 bid, FSR 4/94.) Start Bid $30

225 TREBONIANUS GALLUS, Ant, MARTI PACIFERO, Mars adv l, practically Mint State
& well centered on large flan, with lustrous silver, but notable porosity/roughness &
rev rather crudely struck. Portrait has good detail for this. Scarcer type!
(An EF but with noticeable roughness brought $491 + buyer fee, Katz auction 6/24.)
Start Bid $45

226 VOLUSIAN, Antiochia, Æ22, Radiate bust r/Eagle betw standards; F-VF, well
centered, minimally rough but glossy deep green patina; obv lgnd
IMPCAEPIIELLOVAAHPFAV fully clear, unusual &
(An AVF, normal lgnd, brought $71 on $115 bid in my 9/10 sale.) Starting Bid $20

227 AEMILIAN, Viminacium Æ25, Moesia betw bull & lion, AN XIV; F-VF, minimally
off-ctr, olive green patina, only minor roughness, strong portrait.
(A F/AVF realized $171 on $190 bid in my 3/03 sale.) Starting Bid $70

228 VALERIAN I, Ant, PIETAS AVGG, 2 rulers at altar; Choice EF, centered on sl
oval flan, obv quite sharply struck, rev softly struck; bright lustrous silver.
(A GVF went for $288, CNG 6/06.) Starting Bid $40

229 VALERIAN I, Ant, RESTITVT ORIENTIS, Orient giving wreath to Ruler;
EF, nrly centered, obv well struck with sharp portrait detail, rev just sl crude; lustery
toned metal, only a wisp of graininess on rev.
(A GVF brought $215, Gorny 3/08.)
Starting Bid $35

230 VALERIAN I, As last, virtually mint with strong silver luster but poorly struck obv
with not much portrait detail; rev however quite well struck for this.
Starting Bid $20

231 GALLIENUS, Ant, DIANAE CONS AVG, Stag l, XII; AEF, centered with full lgnds
(tho few letters wk); glossy olive-brown patina. Rather nice for these.
(An AEF realized $242, Gorny 3/18.) Starting Bid $30

232 GALLIENUS, Ant, ROMAE AETERNAE, Roma std l, with Ruler; EF/VF, centered
on an unusually big flan (25 mm), toned silver surfaces, obv quite sharply struck,
rev lgnd soft. Far scarcer than with Roma alone.
(An EF with mushy rev brought $71 on $185 bid in my 11/03 sale.) Starting Bid $40

233 GALLIENUS, Denarius, FIDES MILITVM, Fides hldg standard; AEF/VF, brown
patina, obv lgnd partly off, rev complete, strong portrait detail.
(A VF sold for $420, iNumis 10/09.) Starting Bid $130

234 GALLIENUS, Egypt Tet, Nike stg, LI-Gamma; Choice VF+, nrly centered &
complete, well struck, luscious medium brown surfaces.
(Same variety, VF with
rough spots, brought $144, CNG 12/14; Near EF $532, Leu 5/21.)
Starting Bid $50

235 SALONINA, Ant, CONCORDIA AVGG, Ruler & ruleress clasping hands, EF/VF,
well centered on full round flan, silver color with lt tone, mildly grainy mainly on rev,
nice strong portrait.
(A VF realized $155, Peus 4/04.) Starting Bid $35

236 VALERIAN II, Ant, PRINCIPI IVBENTVTIS (yes), Sal hldg transverse spear;
EF/VF, centered, lgnds typically crude, silver with lt tone & hint of granularity, portrait's
hair very sharp. (A GVF with lt porosity brought $159, Leu 7/22.) Start Bid $65

237 QUIETUS, Ant, SOL INVICTO, Sol stg l, VF, nrly centered, obv well struck, rev a
little soft, silver with grey-brown tone, mild granularity, good portrait detail.
(A VF with soft rev sold for $401 on $440 bid in my 4/24 auction.) Starting Bid $130

238 MACRIANUS, Ant, INDVLGENTIAE AVG, Indulgentia std l, EF, centered on large
flan, good strike for these, strong detail on portrait & rev figure, silver with lt tone &
luster hints. Rare condition.
(An EF brought $1665, Lanz 6/11.) Start Bid $400

239 POSTUMUS, Ant, VIRTVS AVG, Virtus stg r, w/spear & shield, RIC 93, VF-EF,
centered on large ragged flan, some lgnd crudeness, silver with grey-brown tone.
With certif signed by Sylvia Haffner (A GVF brought $251, Roma 4/22) Start Bid $35

240 POSTUMUS, Ant, PAX AVG, Pax stg l, Choice EF, nrly centered, well struck with
a strong rev, good silver with lt tone & luster. Portrait meticulously sharp.
(An EF sold for $540, Lanz 11/09.) Starting Bid $75

241 POSTUMUS, Ant, MONETA AVG, Moneta stg l, VF-EF, centered on sl small flan,
silver with lt pinky-brownish tone, portrait strongly detailed
(An "EF-VF" (rev weak) brought $195, Hirsch 2/17.) Starting Bid $35

242 CLAUDIUS II, Ant, MARS VLTOR, Mars adv r, Choice VF-EF/VF, centered on
large oval flan, glossy dark brown patina, good strike, sharp portrait.
(A VF realized $98, Bruun Rasmussen 8/22.) Starting Bid $25

243 CLAUDIUS II, Ant, VICTORIA AVG, Victory stg l; Ex-Roma as EF, it just about is
EF but sl off-ctr in small flan with partial lgnds; smooth greenish-brown.
(In M&M 2/16 sale $161 was realized by an EF.) Starting Bid $15

244 VICTORINUS, Ant, PROVIDENTIA AVG, Providentia stg l; EF, tops of some obv
lettering off, rev off-ctr with partial & crude lgnd; lusterlike dark brown surfaces;
portrait very sharp.
(An AEF, rev off-ctr, brought $574, Leu 2/21.) Start Bid $30

245 AURELIAN, Ant, RESTITVT ORBIS, Woman giving wreath to Ruler, */KAA; Superb
EF, well centered & sharply struck on large round flan, lt tone with much good
(An EF sold for $450, Gorny 10/07.) Start Bid $65

246 AURELIAN, Ant, Pre-reform, PM TRP T PP, lion rt, below COS; VF, smallish oval
flan, lgnds partly wk, few letters off, medium brown, sl grainy, good strong portrait.
VERY Rare!! (A VF brought $551, Kunker 10/18.) Starting Bid $40

247 VABALATHUS, Ant, Bust r/Aurelian bust r, Gamma; VF, sl off-ctr, full lgnds,
toned silvered surfaces, Aurelian's head somewhat softly struck in center, Vab's head
(A VF realized $201 on $250 bid in my 9/09 sale.) Starting Bid $30

248 SEVERINA, Denarius, VENVS FELIX, Venus stg l, A below; Choice VF+, well
centered & struck, glossy dark brown.
(A GVF brought $280, Astarte 4/04.)
Starting Bid $60

249 TETRICUS I, Ant, HILARITAS AVGG, Hilaritas giggling l.; Virtually Mint State,
lustery silvery-brown surfaces, obv lgnd crowded but complete, rev lgnd partly off;
superbly sharp portrait.
(An EF realized $490, Kunker 9/21.) Starting Bid $50

250 TACITUS, Ant, LAETITIA FVND, Laetitia stg l, XXIB; AEF/VF, nrly centered on
large oval flan, sl wkness at left edge each side; ltly toned with much silvering.
(A GVF brought $235, Naumann 5/21.) Starting Bid $35

251 PROBUS, Ant, Bust left hldg scepter/PM TR I P COS II PP, Radiate lion rt, XXIS;
AEF, centered on large flan, touch of lgnd crudeness, good glossy dark green patina.
RARE type, more so with lion to rt; ditto with this bust type.
(A GVF sold for $194, Savoca 2/20.) Start Bid $85

252 PROBUS, Ant, RESTITVT ORBIS, Female giving wreath to Ruler, Gamma/XXI;
practically mint state, well centered & struck, good lustrous silvering.
(An AEF brought $58 on $150 bid in my 1/11 sale; Nr Unc $432, Rauch 12/11.)
Start Bid $40

253 PROBUS, Egypt Tet, L-Gamma, Eagle facg, head r; Choice VF-EF, well centered
& struck, smooth medium brown. Scarce with eagle facg.
(Same variety, VF, realized $58, CNG 5/05.) Starting Bid $25

254 CARUS, Ant, VIRTVS AVGGG, Jupiter giving Victory to Ruler, S/XXI; VF, centered,
dark green patina with some whiteish hilighting.

(A Near VF brought $154, CNA 3/92, the era of numismatic madness.) Starting Bid $25

255 CARINUS, As last; note the GGG signifies 3 Augusti, yet obv names him as Caesar,
rare erroneous muling; AVF/F, dark patina with sl hilighting, somewhat crusty mainly
on rev.
(A VF sold for $129, Agora 8/16.) Starting Bid $20

256 DIOCLETIAN, Ant, IOV ET HERCV CONSER AVGG, Jupiter & Hercules stg, B/XX;
Choice VF+, centered on large round flan, steely-brown with luster hints, nicely struck.
(A VF-EF brought $85, Rauch 9/08.) Starting Bid $20

257 DIOCLETIAN, Post-Reform Radiate, CONCORDIA MILITVM, Jupiter giving Victory
to Ruler, ANT; VF-EF/VF, well centered & struck, lt brown with reddish luster hints.
Much scarcer than the similar plain old antoniniani.
(A VF realized $81 on $89 bid in my 6/92 sale.) Starting Bid $25

258 DIOCLETIAN, Follis, GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius stg l, TR; VF-EF, centered,
decent strike, mostly silvered surfaces with lt tone.
(A VF-EF of the type brought $76 on $90 bid in my 10/18 sale.) Start Bid $25

259 DIOCLETIAN, As last but no mintmk = London, with distinctive London portrait
style; AEF, nrly centered, good dark brown surfaces with lustery hints.
(A VF+ brought $290, CGB 11/09.) Start Bid $60

260 DIOCLETIAN, POST-Abdication, 1/2 Fol, Mantled bust r, FELICISS lgnd/
PROVIDENTIA DEORVM, Providentia & Quies stg, Gamma/ALE; F+, rev sl off-ctr,
dark greenish patina with earthen hilighting.
(Same variety GVF brought $198, Roma 11/13.) Starting Bid $25

261 MAXIMIAN, Follis, GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius stg l, K-Delta; Choice EF+,
well centered & sharply struck, much lustrous silvering with lt tone, far too nice for
this profane world.
(An EF brought $375, Kunker 10/14.) Start Bid $100

262 MAXIMIAN, Follis, FIDES MILITVM, Fides std l, TT; EF, nrly centered, steely-
brown, good detail, asstd sm surface blemishes. Very scarce type!
(A VF sold for $253, Naumann 12/13.) Start Bid $45

263 MAXIMIAN, Post-Reform Radiate, CONCORDIA MILITVM, Ruler & Jupiter stg.,
A/ALE; Choice VF, centered, well struck, good medium brown surfaces. Much scarcer
than ordinary ants, with very distinctive portrait style.
(A Ch VF realized $43 in my 6/08 sale..) Start Bid $20

264 ALLECTUS, Quinarius, VIRTVS AVG, galley, AF/G-VG, somewhat thick murky
dark patina, obv decently clear, rev wk, no mint visible.
(A F brought $168, Rauch 3/11.) Start Bid $15

265 CONSTANTIUS I, Follis, GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius stg l, ANT*, VF, centered,
dark green patina with some paler green hilighting. With certif signed by Mel Wacks.
(A VF+ sold for $65 on $135 bid in my 11/06 scam.) Starting Bid $18

266 CONSTANTIUS I, As last but bust left with spear & altar on rev, B/PLC; EF/VF+,
a little of lgnds wk, medium brown with hints of silvering, lustery. Very scarce type.
(Same var., AEF, brought $311, Naumann 12/15.) Starting Bid $65

267 GALERIUS, as Caes, Follis, GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius stg l, S-A; Choice AEF,
well centered & boldly struck, good greenish-brown surfaces with silvering
traces; wonderful portrait.
(A Ch. EF brought $212 on $251 bid in my 3/08 sale;
AEF $413, Gorny 4/21.)
Start Bid $65

268 GALERIA VALERIA, Follis, VENERI VICTRICI, Venus stg l, SMTS; VF+/VF, well
centered, dark greenish patina, much portrait detail.
(A VF+/VF realized $76 in my 3/06 sale; same grade $243, iNumis 3/09. Which
was the better buy?)
Starting Bid $45

269 SEVERUS II, As Caes, Post-Reform radiate, CONCORDIA MILITVM, Ruler &
Jupiter, B/ALE; VF, well centered, dark patina with contrasting earthen hilighting.
(An AVF realized $81 on $90 bid in my 4/02 sale.) Start Bid $45

270 MAXIMINUS II, As Caes, Follis, VIRTVTI EXERCITVS, Mars adv r, MKV; Choice
AEF, centered & quite boldly struck, good steely-brown surfaces. Scarce.
(A GVF brought $249, CNG eAuc 3/10.) Starting Bid $50

271 ANONYMOUS, Æ4, "Anti-Christian" issue, GENIO ANTIOCHENI, Tyche std,
Orontes below/Apollo stg, A/SMA; VF+/VF, centered, full lgnds, dark green patina
with earthen hilighting.
(An AVF brought $110 in my last sale.) Starting Bid $20

272 LICINIUS I, Reduced Follis, GENIO POP ROM, Genius stg l, */PLN, London;
AEF/VF, well centered, lustery dark patina, sl rev crudeness, obv well struck with
sharp portrait. Scarce.
(A GVF realized $165, Davisson 10/11.) Start Bid $35

273 LICINIUS I, Red. Follis, SOLI INVICTO COMITI, Sol stg l, */T•T; Choice AEF,
well centered & struck, smooth dark brown. Uncommon type for Licinius.
(A VF+ brought $240, CGB 11/09.) Starting Bid $25

274 LICINIUS II, Æ3, Mantled bust l./IOVI CONSERVATORI CAESS, Jupiter stg l,
SMK; Choice AEF, well centered & struck, toned with much silvering.
(A VF-EF brought $77 on $88 bid in my 13/07 sale; VF $123, Davisson 10/11.)
Starting Bid $35

275 CONSTANTINE I, Æ3, GLORIA EXERCITVS, 2 standards betw soldiers, •CONSA,
EF, well centered & struck, good detail, lt brown from old cleaning.
(A Ch. AEF/VF brought $54 on $80 bid in my 11/07 auction.) Starting Bid $25

276 CONSTANTINE I, Æ3, LIBERTAS PVBLICA, Victory on galley, CONS, F+, centered,
sl thick dark patina. SCARCE type.
(A VF realized $325, iNumis 11/08.) Start Bid $15

perfectly centered & well struck, good detail; dark patina with dramatic earthen
contrast. (An EF brought $81 on $90 bid in my 6/05 sale.) Starting Bid $25

278 CONSTANTINE I, Æ3, SARMATIA DEVICTA, Victory adv r, captive, STR-cresc;
AEF/EF, well centered, good strike, dark greenish-brown. Rev particularly well detailed.
(An AEF sold for $51 on $75 bid in my 9/99 auction.) Starting Bid $25

279 CONSTANTINE I, Æ3, VOT XXX in wreath, lgnd around, •SMHB; Choice EF,
well centered & struck, dark patina with significant silvering on rev, very sharp hair
(An EF+ brought $145, Rauch 9/03.) Starting Bid $30

280 CONSTANTINE I, Æ3, VOT XX MVLT XXX TS-Gamma in 4 lines in wreath;
VF/AEF, well centered, silvered with sl tone & hint of obv graininess. Scarce type.
(Same var., VF, realized $58 + buyer fee, Savoca 10/17.) Starting Bid $30

281 FAUSTA, Æ3, SALVS REIPVBLICAE, Fausta stg w/babies, SMANTA; VF+/VF, full
lgnds, dark brown patina, touches of roughness on rev, much portrait detail.
(A VF+ brought $175, iNumis 3/09.) Starting Bid $35

282 CONSTANTINOPOLIS, Æ3, Bust l./Victory stg l., on prow, SMANI, VF-EF/VF,
centered, dark patina with strong hilighting, very nice.
(A VF realized $31 on $45
bid in my 1/01 sale.)
Starting Bid $17

283 CRISPUS, Æ3, BEATA TRANQVILLITAS, globe on altar, C-R/PLC; Choice EF+,
rev sl off-ctr but complete, quite sharply struck, lustery dark brown surfaces.
(A Choice EF brought $131 in my 4/24 sale.) Starting Bid $35

284 CONSTANS, Æ4, VOT XX MVLT XXX in wreath, SMALA; AEF, perfectly centered,
dark brown patina, portrait sharp, nice for this.
(A GVF realized $76, Savoca 1/21.)
Starting Bid $15

285 CONSTANS, Æ Cent, Bust rt hldg globe/FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Ruler w/labarum
& 2 captives, ALEB; Choice VF/VF+, perfectly centered & well struck, fault-free
brown surfaces. (A GVF brought $120, Gorny 3/07.) Starting Bid $15

286 CONSTANTINE II, Æ3, VOT X in wreath, lgnd around, Delta-SIS-sunburst;
Choice Virtually Mint state, well centered & sharply struck, lustrous toned surfaces
with underlying silvering.
(An EF brought $203, CGF 6/04.) Start Bid $35

287 CONSTANTINE II, Æ3, GLORIA EXERCITVS, 2 standards betw soldiers,
SMANS; AEF/VF-EF, well centered & struck, dark brown.
(An EF/VF brought $56 in my 5/00 sale.) Start Bid $15

288 CONSTANTIUS II, As Caes, Æ3, bust left/PROVIDENTIAE CAESS, Camp gate,
SMANTH; Choice EF, perfectly centered & well struck on large flan, good brown
(An EF realized $49 on $95 bid in my 1/10 sale.) Start Bid $30

a piece out of edge has been reglued, with small piece still missing; otherwise
Choice EF, well centered & struck, lustery with lt tone. RARE.
(An EF brought $1700, Kunker 3/07.) Starting Bid $100

290 VETRANIO, 1/2 Cent, GLORIA ROMANORVM, Ruler stg with labarum, ASIS;
AEF, full lgnds, dark patina, slight hints of roughness; strong detail. Much scarcer
than the usual types!
(A VF+ realized $345, CGB 4/07.) Starting Bid $160

291 MAGNENTIUS, Cent, VICTORIAE etc, 2 Victories hldg shield, TRP; AEF/VF, smallish
flan with partial lgnds, rev a bit crude, portrait very sharp. Smooth dark brown surfaces.
(A VF brought $76 on $150 bid in my 12/11 sale.) Start Bid $25

292 JULIAN, Æ1, SECVRITAS REIPVB, Bull stg r, •CONSPA-branch; Nice EF,
perfectly centered & well struck, even dark green.
(An EF/AEF realized $665 on
$990 bid in my 9/20 sale
.) Starting Bid $220

293 JOVIAN, Æ3, VOT V MVLT X in wreath, AQVILS; CHOICE EF, well centered &
quite sharply struck, glossy smooth dark greenish patina. Scarcer mintmk.
(An EF of the type brought $136 on $145 bid in my 5/01 sale; GEF $450,
Leu 5/95.)
Starting Bid $70

294 PROCOPIUS, Æ3, REPARATIO FEL TEMP, Ruler stg w/labarum, CONSS; AVF,
centered on sl ragged flan, lgnds all there tho crowded, dark greenish patina, nice
strong portrait.
(A VF with lt scrape brought $674, CNG 5/23.) Start Bid $50

295 VALENTINIAN I, Æ3, GLORIA ROMANORVM, Ruler w/labarum & captive,
SMK-Gamma; Choice VF+, centered, virtually full lgnds, good strike, dark patina
with strongly contrasting orangy hilighting.
(A VF-EF realized $61 on $74 bid in my 11/05 sale.) Start Bid $15

296 GRATIAN, Æ3, CONCORDIA AVGGG, Constantinopolis std, Theta/ANTA;
AEF/VF+, centered full lgnds, lt brown, well detailed. Quite nice for this.
(An AEF realized $177, Thesaurus 12/08.) Starting Bid $25

297 VALENTINIAN II, Æ2, REPARATIO REIPVB, Ruler stg w/Victory, kneeling
female, BSISC; Choice VF, well centered on large flan, obv boldly struck, minor
rev crudeness; glossy dark green patina.
(A VF brought $73 on $83 bid in my
11/05 sale; GVF $213, CNG eAuc 3/08.)
Start Bid $30

298 THEODOSIUS I, Æ3, CONCORDIA AVGGG, Roma std r, ANT-Gamma; Choice AEF,
well centered & struck, smooth dark patina with earthen hilighting.
(An AEF/VF sold for $76 on $137 bid in my 11/12 auction.) Start Bid $30

299 THEODOSIUS I, Æ2, GLORIA ROMANORVM, Ruler stg w/labarum,
SMH-Gamma; VF+/VF, centered, full lgnds, tho mtmk partly off; dark greenish patina
with some whiteish hilighting; portrait detail quite sharp.
(A VF brought $122, Munz Zentrum 1/17.) Starting Bid $25

lgnds, brownish-greenish patina, moderate roughness, much portrait detail.
"Flaccilla" was actually a nickname because men would go flaccid seeing her.
(An F-VF/F realized $48 on $72 bid in my 2/14 sale.) Starting Bid $25

301 ARCADIUS, Æ2, GLORIA ROMANORVM, Ruler stg with labarum, ANTB, Choice
AEF, centered, dark olive patina with nice pale brown hilighting, well centered &
struck, good detail.
(An AEF/VF brought $292, Lanz 6/12.) Starting Bid $60

302 EUDOXIA, Æ3, Hand of God above bust/Victory std r, ANT-Gamma; AVF,
small flan, lgnds partly off, dark patina with orangy hilighting, nice strong portrait.
(An AVF/VG realized $82 on $155 bid in my 11/12 sale.) Starting Bid $20

303 EUGENIUS, Æ4, Vic adv l, G-VG, small flan, no obv lgnd, VICTOR visible,
medium brown, bearded portrait reasonably clear.

304 HONORIUS, Æ2, GLORIA ROMANORVM, Ruler stg r, ANT-Delta; VF/F+, nrly full
lgnds, brown patina with earthen hilighting, faintly rough, strong portrait.
(A Ch. VF brought $156 on $205 bid in my 9/22 sale.) Start Bid $15

305 LEO I, Æ4, Ruler & captive, NIC; F, obv sl off-ctr but portrait & LEO PERP
visible, unusual; hilighted dark green.
(A Fine, no mint, realized $78, Roma 12/139.)
Start Bid $25

307 VERINA, Æ2, Her bust r/SALVS REIPVBLICAE, Victory std r, CONE; RIC 655;
F+, centered, full lgnds, dark olive patina, clear portrait. RARE. Ex CNG as VF.
(Far better than a F sold for $863, CNG 5/03.) Starting Bid $400


308 OSTROGOTHS, Theodoric, 493-526, 1/4 Siliqua in name of Justinian,
Bust r/monogram in wreath, MEC 121, VF, obv off-ctr losing lgnd at rt, rev well
centered, good metal with old tone.
(A VF brought $425, Elsen 3/22.)
Start Bid $180

309 OSTROGOTHS, Athalaric, 526-34, 1/2 Follis, 24 mm, INVICTA ROMA, Roma bust r/
2 eagles by palm. •XX• below; F-VF, centered, glossy darkish olive patina, bold & nice.
(A F-VF realized $1096, Roma 4/16.) Starting Bid $200

310 VANDALS, Carthage Municipal coinage, Æ 4 Nummi, Æ10, Bust l, branch/N/IIII;
F+/VF, centered, brown, clear; ex-CNG 9/08 as VF,
sold for $311. Starting Bid $100

311 VANDALS, Gunthamund, 484-496, Ar 25 Denari, Carthage, Bust r/DN/XXV in
wreath; AVF/VF, centered, ltly toned, clear & decent.
(A VF, sl rough & edge chip, brought $1150, CNG 9/08.) Starting Bid $300

312 VISIGOTHS, GOLD Trem, 527-80, in name of Justinian I, Bust r/Victory adv r;
Choice VF; in CNG flip marked GVF price $2750.
Starting Bid $1000


313 ANASTASIUS I, Nummus, S13, bust r/monogram, F, centered, hilited dark patina,
bust visible, rev fully clear, scarce!
(A VF brought $391, Goldberg 10/09.) Start Bid $13

314 ANASTASIUS I, 1/2 Follis, S-25, Offic B, Bold F, dark patina with strong hilighting.
(A F brought $22 on $26 bid in my 1/91 sale, during Anastasius's reign.) Starting Bid $12

315 JUSTIN I, 5N, S-111, Bust/Tyche in shrine, F-VF, centered, sl crude, hilighted
patina, much detail.
(A VG/F realized $26 in my 3/04 sale.) Starting Bid $8

316 JUSTIN & JUSTINIAN, 5N, S-133, 2 busts/Tyche in shrine; AF/F, obv sl off-ctr
but much lgnd visible, hilighted patina.
Rare. (A F brought $165, CNG 3/96.) Start Bid $15

317 JUSTINIAN I, 5N, S171, Bust r/E & A; VF+, centered, brown patina, sl obv flan
fault, much portrait detail.
(A GVF brought $230, CNG 5./04.) Start Bid $15

318 JUSTINIAN I, 5N, S-243, Bust r/E & loop; Choice VF/AEF, centered, strongly
hilighted brown patina.
(A VF realized $110, Vecchi 12/97.) Starting Bid $20

319 JUSTINIAN I, 10N, S-326, Ravenna, Facg bust/Large I, Yr XXXIII; AVF/VF,
darkish green with sl hilighting, partial obv lgnd, face clear. RARE!
(A GVF brought $822, Leu 12/22.) Starting Bid $40

320 JUSTINIAN I, Follis, S-160, Bust r/*M* CON-A; Strong F+, centered, full lgnd,
dark green with strong earthen contrast.
(A Ch. F+ brought $41 on $56 bid in my 1/11 sale.) Start Bid $18

321 JUSTINIAN I, Follis, S-163, Facg Bust/Large M, CON-XII-B; AVF, , large 41 mm
flan, darkish olive-brown, face clear. Ex-Palladium as EF.
(An AVF/VF brought $125 on $200 bid in my 4/24 thing.) Starting Bid $45

322 JUSTINIAN I, Follis, S-220, Facg bust/Large M, 9HUP-XXI-E; Choice VF, sl off-ctr,
dark greenish patina with some paler green hilighting; good surfaces, face strong.
Scarce type. (Same variety, GVF sold for $739, CNG 11/09.) Start Bid $140

323 JUSTIN II, Follis, S369, Justin & Sophia std/NIKO-u-B, VF, centered, lt brown patina,
sl edge faults, much detail on figures.

(An F-VF/VF brought $135 on $150 bid in my 6/13 sale.) Starting Bid $30

324 JUSTIN II, 5N, S-375, Monogram/Large E, K = Kyzikos, AEF, centered & clear,
dark greenish patina. Scarce & choice.
(A VF realized $139, CGB 10/08.)
Starting Bid $30

325 JUSTIN II, 5N, S-386, Theoupolis, Monogram/Large E, cross rt; Choice VF-EF,
sl off-ctr but complere, dark patina with dramatic orangy contrast, bold & nice.
(A VF brought $232, Leu 8/21.) Start Bid $15

326 JUSTIN II, 10N, S-383, Yr uIII, AVF, sl ragged flan, dark patina with strong
earthen hilighting. (An F-VF realized $90, Munz Zentrum 10/18.) Starting Bid $15

327 JUSTIN II, 1/2 Follis, S381, 2 Rulers std/Large K, Yr. IIIX, F+/AVF, brown patina
with strong pale orange hilighting, nice.
(A VF of the type brought $205 Gorny 10/09.)
Start Bid $12

328 TIBERIUS II, 5N, S-438a, Bust r/Large u; F-VF/EF, large ragged flan, obv crude with
wk lgnd, dark brownish patina.
Scarce. (A GVF realized $356, Roma 5/19.) Start Bid $20

329 MAURICE, 10 Nummia, S-536, Facg bust/Large X, Yr III; AVF/VF. well centered
on large flan, hilighted patina, clear face.
(A VF brought $86 on $100 bid in my
5/20 sale; GVF
$1093 (yes), CNG 9/08.) Starting Bid $20

330 MAURICE, 1/2 Fol, S497, Facg bust/large K, X-B; VF, large unround flan, area of
flat strike at rev top, lt brown from old cleaning, good strong face.
(A VF sold for $103 in CNG eAuc 10/07.) Start Bid $15

331 MAURICE, Follis, S-494, Facg bust/CON-uII-E; VF, obv sl off-ctr on unround flan,
pale brown, face fully clear.
(A F-VF brought $86 in my 4/11 sale.) Start Bid $20

332 MAURICE., Fol, S533, THEUP-Xu-Gamma; F+, sl wkness at edge, face visible, lt
brown from old clean. Note "ANN•"
(F-VF/AVF realized $52 on $87 bid, FSR 9/20.) Start Bid $15

333 PHOCAS, 1/2 Follis, S663, Facg bust/XX, NIKOB-III, VF, sl off-ctr, lt brown,
some obv wkness but face clear, rev bold.
(A VF brought $67 on $101 bid in my 4/12 sale) Start Bid $15

334 HERACLIUS, 1/2 Follis, S-846, Seleucia Isauraiae, 2 facg busts/K SEL-uI-A;
crude F/VF, medium brown, obv off-ctr & crude, rev clear tho officina wk. RARE.
(A F sold for $151, CNG eAuc 9/06.) Start Bid $40

335 HERACLIUS, Follis, S-834, 2 figures/Large M, NIKO-III-A, F, brown patina with
earthen hilighting, overstruck so sl crude, DMFOCA clear on rev.
(An overstruck VF brought $152, CNG eAuc 7/08.) Starting Bid $15

336 HERACLIUS, Follis, S-849, 3 figures/M, Cyprus mintmk, Yr XuII-Gamma,
F-VF, centered on halved older coin, dark patina with strong hilighting, clear & good for
Scarce. (A partly weak VF realized $238, DNW 10/09.) Start Bid $20

337 CONSTANS II, Follis, S-1000, Ruler stg/M, cross above, below IA; Choice F-VF,
well centered, smooth dark patina with strong earthen hilighting. The rev totally clear
(rare thus) incl the IA, not in Sear. Not barbarous.
(A Choice F+ brought $46 on $120 bid in my 8/24 sale.) Start Bid $25

338 CONSTANS II, Follis, Syracuse, S-1108, Ruler stg/Large M, F-VF, sorta
rectangular flan, some crudeness from over-striking but much detail on figure.
Ex Palladium as VF+.
(A double struck VF realized $347, CNG 6/09.) Start Bid $30

339 JUSTIANIAN II, 1/2 Follis, S-1262, Facg bust/K, F or so, struck on a quartered flan,
lt. brown, extremely crude from overstriking, year unclear.
(A VF, "details muddled by overstrike," realized $288, CNG 5/04.) Starting Bid $12

340 CONSTANTINE V, Fol, 2 busts facg/Leo bust facg, as S1556 but on
N-X not X-N; none in acs database; F-VF, olive brown, some crudeness, left obv
face flat but others OK. VERY RARE.
(A VF (regular S-1556) brought $209, Naumann 4/13.) Start Bid $35

341 ROMANUS I, Follis, S-1760, Facg bust/4-line lgnd, F-VF, nrly centered, glossy
dark patina, trace of roughness, plenteous detail.
(An F-VF a bit porous realized $76 on $90 bid in 1/24 sale.) Start Bid $20

342 JOHN I, Ar Milaresion, S-1792, Facg bust in medallion etc/5-line lgnd; VF-EF,
good metal, ltly toned, strong face, quite nice for this.
(Compare a VF, crystallized & worn dies, bringing $466, Leu 8/21.) Starting Bid $140

343 ANONYMOUS Follis (attrib to John I), S1793, Christ bust facg/4-line lgnd,
VF, dark greenish patina, sl off-ctr, rev sl crude with some roughness mainly at
edges, excellent strong Christ face. Far scarcer than later larger versions, especially
this good.
(A VF brought $462, Gorny 10/08.) Start Bid $35

344 ANONYMOUS, Follis, S1818, Facg Christ bust/4-line lgnd, F-VF/VF, centered,
unround flan, dark patina with earthen hilighting,
clear face.
(An AVF brought $181 on $200 bid in my 2/23 sale.) Starting Bid $35

345 ANONYMOUS, Follis (Romanus IV), S-1866, Christ bust/ C-R/P-D in cross; AVF,
well centered on large flan, medium brown, well struck for this, Christ's nose sl wk but
his eyes bug out strongly. Excellent example.
(A VF realized $360, Lanz 11/07.) Starting Bid $60

346 ALEXIUS I, Anon Follis, S-1901, Christ facg/Mary facg, F, nrly centered on oval
flan, brown with orangy hilighting, quite decent for this with even most of beaded
border present. (An AF/F brought $41 on $61 bid in my 5/00 sale.) Start Bid $18

347 MANUEL I, 1/2 Tetarteron, S-1979, Facg bust/mono-gram, VF, medium brown,
a little crude, much portrait detail. (A Near VF realized $104, F&S 6/08.)
Starting Bid $15

348 ANDRONICUS I, Scyphate Trachy, S-1985, Virgin stg facg/Christ crowning
Andy, F-VF/VF, medium brown, good for this with much detail each side.
(A F/F-VF brought $61 on $125 bid in my 11/13 auction.) Start Bid $20

349 EMPIRE of NICAEA, John III, Æ Trachy, S-2131, St. Geoirge bust/John &
St. Demetrius hldg staff with cross in circle; VG/F, irregular flan, dark brown,
crude with wkness. Rare! (A GVF brought $460, CNG 5/03.) Starting Bid $20

350 LEAD SEAL, 23 mm, 7th-8th centuries? Cruciform monogram each side, F-VF,
top & bottom edge irregularities, sl rough, but centered, complete & clear.
Starting Bid $15

351 LEAD SEAL, 20 mm, thick flan, c.7th-8th cent? Cruciform Monogram/N-N
within something or other, F or so, a little rough, sl off-ctr, monogram fully clear.
Starting Bid $12

352 LEAD SEAL, 17 mm, monogram ea side, F-VF or so, sl roughness, fully clear.
Starting Bid $12

353 LEAD SEALS, LOT of 7 diff, 16-19 mm, typical crudeness/roughness,
not too bad, much visible. Starting Bid $25


354 ARAB-BYZANTINE, Emesa, 20 mm Æ, 'Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, 685-705,
Facg bust/large M & lgnds, Alb.3524, Nice strong F, dark patina with strong orangy
hilighting. (Nicer than a F bringing $146, CNG eAuc 7/08.) Starting Bid $20

355 ARAB-SASANIAN, Ar Dirhem, Abdullah ibn Zubayr, 680-92, Khusru II bust/
Fire altar, Darabgird mint, Virtually Mint State, well struck, good bright silver.
(A VF-EF, same mint, realized $360, Album 11/21.) Starting Bid $90

356 ARMENIA, Hetoum I, 1226-70, Hetoum & Zabel hldg big cross/Lion rt,
Choice AEF/VF+, well struck, excellent metal with nice deep tone.
(A GVF brought $403, CNG 11/08.) Starting Bid $35

357 AUSTRIA, 10 Kreuzer 1754, Maria Theresa bust r/Eagle on altar, Nice VG/AF,
lt tone.
Starting Bid $8

358 BOLIVIA, 8 Reales, 1808-PJ, Ferd VII (scarcer), in PCGS slab as VF35, I'd grade
F-VF; darkish tone, quite nice. Spot at HISP is a photo problem, not on coin.
(A GVF sold for $223, Spink 12/14.) Starting Bid $85

359 CRUSADERS, Antioch, Tancred (famed knight), 1101-12, Follis, Facg bust with
turban & sword/IC-XC/NI-KA in cross; 20 mm; F, dark green patina with earthen
hilighting, reasonable portrait.
(A VF realized $857, Naumann, 1/15.) Start Bid $18

360 FRANCE, Ecu, 1766-Pau (cow), F, fairly nasty mint adjustment marks each
(Better than a slabbed VF with worse adj mks sold for $144, Stacks 10/23.)
Starting Bid $35

361 FRANCE, 10 Centimes, L'An 5-B, Liberty bust/lgnd in wreath, 33 mm,
Good, everything visible.
Starting Bid $2

362 GERMANY, BAVARIA, 10 Kreuzer 1775, 25mm, nice F/F-VF, bright, sl adj mks
on rev.
Starting Bid $7

363 GERMANY, WURTTEMBURG, Gulden 1824, VG-F/F-VF, nice, scarce!
(F cat $175)
Starting Bid $60

364 HAITI, 50 Centimes An 30 (1833), Boyer bust l/arms, VG, minor faults, lt tone,
fairly bold & decent..
(A F, hardly better, realized $72, D'Antan 11/19.) Starting Bid $15

365 HEPHTHALITE, Nezak Huns, Ar Drachm, c. 6th cent, King's bust r/fare altar,
27 mm; AVF, decent metal, well struck for this.
Starting Bid $30

366 HUNGARY, Geza I, as Duke, 1064-72, Ar Denar, 19 mm, Cross in circle, lgnds
around ea side, Hus.18; Choice VF, only sl crude, good metal with nice tone.
(A VF+ brought $145, Pegasi 4/11.) Starting Bid $45

367 HUNGARY, "Malcontents," revolt, Æ 10 Poltura 1705, Crowned arms/X in frame;
31 mm, VF, sm edge clip.
(A GVF sold for $199, Naumann 11/21.) Starting Bid $25

368 INDIA, Madras Pres, 10 Cash 1808, 26 mm, lustrous reddish UNC.
(KM320 EF $140; an MS63 Brown brought $253, Album 9/12.) Start Bid $25

369 INDIA, Rupee 1835 William IV bust, F incuse, EF/AU, quite sharp
(A GEF realized $222, Noble 11/21.) Start Bid $45

370 ISLAMIC, Abbasid, Ar Dirhem, Harun Al-Rashid, 786-809, (famed Caliph
of "1001 Nights") 24 mm, Choice AU, well struck with luster.
(A VF+ brought $81 in my 8/16 sale; EF $240, Astarte 12/02.) Starting Bid $45

371 ISLAMIC, Rasulids (Yemen), Al Ashraf 1377-1400, Ar Dirham, Al-Mahjam mint,
779 AH, Alb. 1110; 25 mm; VF, somewhat crude & sl wrinkly at edges, but actually
good for this. (Same type, VF, brought $178, Peus 5/08.) Start Bid $15

372 ISLAMIC, LOT of 6 diff Æ coins, Umayyad-Abbasid??, All choice VF or better
with strong orangy hilighting, unusually good for these. Starting Bid $30

373 ISLAMIC, Ghaznavid, Mahmud, 998-1030, Ar Dirham, Yamini type, Alb.1609;
F-VF, well struck, toned, decent. (A Near VF realized $144, CNG eAuc 2/24.)
Starting Bid $8

374 ISLE of MAN, Crown 1808, Geo III bust/triskeles, "Patina series" fantasy
pattern, Nickel-Silver, Choice PRF, lt tone, beautiful piece. Starting Bid $4

375 ITALY, Gorizia, Soldo, 1788-K, nice F-VF. Start Bid $5

376 ITALY, Naples, Robert of Anjou, 1309-43, Ar Gigliato, Ruler std/floriate cross,
28 mm, AVF, somewhat crude strike, good silver, Ex Roma as VF.
(A VF brought $145, Peus 11/10.) Start Bid $35

377 ITALY, Genoa, Ar Denaro, 1139-1339, Gate/Cross, Choice VF+, centered & quite
well struck, darkish tone.
(A VF realized $89, Heritage 9/21.) Starting Bid $20

378 ITALY, Parma, 5 Lire 1832/15, VG-F/F, lt tone, minor *trace of rim bumps, but a
nice coin. Scarcer date.
(F cat $200; a F/F+ brought $292, iNumis 3/11.) Staring Bid $100

379 JAPAN, Sil Shu 1853-65, rectangular, EF, lt tone, nice.
(A VF sold for $137 + buyer fee, Tauler 12/22.) Start Bid $15

380 KOREA, 5 Chon, 1883, M.21.1A.1, KM210, AVF/VG+, medium brown.
Starting Bid $3

381 MEXICO, 8 Reales, 1732 Pillar, rare, F-VF, strongly contrasting tone,
I'm assuming a cast fake, but nice.
Start Bid $20

382 MEXICO, 8 Reales, 1822-Zs-RG, F, obv sl off-ctr, weak area near rev center,
nice tone.
Start Bid $60

383 MONACO, 5 Cent 1837, struck copper VG. Start Bid $3

384 MUSCAT & OMAN, 1/4 Anna 1315 KM3.2, Scarcer variety, Choice VF.
Starting Bid $4

385 NEPAL, Ar Mohar, date 1694 VS (1772), 29 mm, KM454.2 I think — wrong pic
in KM!; VF+, minor crudeness, toned, nice.
Starting Bid $10

386 NETHERLANDS, Historical Jeton, 1603, 30 mm copper, Reestablishment of
Finances by Ambroise Spinola, elaborate designs, Rare! Choice VF.
Start Bid $25

387 NETHERLANDS, Flanders, Æ 1/2 Duit, (15)86, 17 mm, crown & cross/shield,
VG-F, decent medium brown. Rare!!
(A F/VF brought $178 + buyer fee, Numis.Be 5/12.)
Start Bid $10

388 NETHERLANDS, E. INDIES, Batavia Duit 1808 nice VF lt brown. Start Bid $3

389 PAPAL STATES, 20 Bai, 1860-XV, F, sl bubbles in the flan, toned.
Starting Bid $7

390 PAPAL STATES, Ar 5 Soldi, 1866, Pius IX bust l./lgnds & wreath, VF, nicely
toned. Scarcest date of type.
Starting Bid $8

391 PERSIA, Afsharid, Nadir Shah, 1736-47, Ar 6 Shahi, Mashhad, AH 1152; 18 mm;
nice bold VF.
(Same mint but 1151, VF with scrs brought $45, Leu 5/21.)
Starting Bid $10

392 PERU, 2 Reales 1818-JP, conservatively graded VG-F & very nice, good
2-toned metal, problem free.
Starting Bid $20

393 PERU, 1/2 Real 1831 Cuzco, Choice F, well struck, nice tone.
(A GVF brought $84, Auc GMBH, 12/21.) Start Bid $12

394 PERU, 2 Real, 1828-JM, Nice VG+ lt tone. Start Bid $6

395 PERU, 8 Reales 1838-M North Peru, KM155, nice AF/F, rev sl off-ctr, edge
sl crude, excellent metal with pleasant lt tone.
(Nicer than an AVF with flan flaws bringing $112, Tauler & Fau 10/20.) Start Bid $35

396 PERU, Din 1864 Choice VF, nice deep tone. Start Bid $3

397 PHILIPPINES, Quarto 1834, Ferd VII KM10, date hard to see but a 1-year-type,
AG-G, porous lt brown.
VERY RARE. (A VG-10 with various problems, hardly better,
$660, Stacks 10/20.) Starting Bid $40

398 POLAND, Galicia, 30 Kreuzer 1776-IC-FA, 31 mm, Maria Theresa bust, as
C3 (RARE) BUT obv lgnd very different, seems
VERY RARE thus. VG/AVF, toned,
BUT a nasty mount mark in obv center.
(A VF+ with normal legend brought $1192, Rauch 11/19.) Start Bid $25

399 PORTUGAL, 10 Reis copper 1853, 32 mm, Decent brown VF, only very minor
Start Bid $6

400 PORTUGAL, 40 Reis 1833, Miguel, big 35 mm & thick, Shield/ 40 in wreath,
some lgnd wkness, otherwise nice F, good lt brown surfaces.
Start Bid $7

401 SCOTLAND, Conder Token, Montrose 1/2d 1796, D&H 28a (rared RR; Schwer=
no price); Gal at spinning wheel/city view; AF or so, some striking wkness.
Starting Bid $20

402 SIBERIA, Kopeck 1768, 24 mm, Decent G/VG, smooth medium brown, sm edge
crack. Clear date. Starting Bid $20

403 SPAIN, 4 Reales, 1795-Md MF small part of obv lgnd wk, otherwise VG/F,
old cleaning, now retoning.
Start Bid $25

404 SPAIN, Barcelona, 3 Quartos 1823 G-VG. Start Bid $5

405 SPAIN, 2 Reales 1852 6-pt star, nice F. Start Bid $7

406 SPAIN, 5 Centimos 1866 3-pt star, Segovia, scarce. Strong VF, once clnd,
nicely retoning.
(A Ch. VF realized $53, Tauler & Fau 11/20.) Starting Bid $15

407 SPAIN, 25 Centimos 1862, VF-EF. Starting Bid $8

408 SPAIN, 40 Cent 1864 Madrid, Nice F/AVF. Start Bid $9

409 SWEDEN, Ore 1724, 24 mm, 3 Crowns/Crowned shield, F-VF/F, brown, few
teensy-weensy scrs.
Start Bid $3

410 SWEDEN, 1/4 Skil 1820, 26 mm, Choice VF, excellent medium brown,
well struck.
Starting Bid $6

411 SWEDEN, 1/8 Riks$, 1831, bust/arms, AF/F, lt tone, nice. Start Bid $5

412 SWITZERLAND, Basel, 1/6 Taler 1766, 26 mm, Dragon, weak in rev center,
otherwise VG, toned.
Starting Bid $8

413 SWITZERLAND, Bern, 2-1/2 Rappen, 1811, VF-EF, sharp details. Starting Bid $7

414 SWITZERLAND, Geneva, 25 Centime 1839, 25 mm, F-VF, ltly toned, nice.
Starting Bid $5

415 TARIM, (Yemen), Ar 24 Chom, AH 1315 = 1897, 21 mm, VG. Starting Bid $5

416 THAILAND, Silver bullet money, Baht, 1809-24, C20, 15.4 g, with 2 stamps,
Chakra & Krut (very clear), VF toned.
Starting Bid $15

417 TIBET, Ar Ga-den Tangka, c. 1900, VF, I'll let you have the fun of trying to pin
down which variety.
Start Bid $20

418 TURKEY, Ar Pias (Kurus) 1171/87, KM321.2, 39 mm, AVF, a bit softly struck but everything clear. Start Bid $20

419 TURKEY, Ar Pias (Kurush), 1187/8, KM398, 38 mm, Choice VF-EF, well struck,
toned, very nice.
Start Bid $25

420 TURKEY, Ar 2 Kurush, 1203/5, 46 mm, F-VF, sl strike wkness mainly on borders,
2 rev edge faults.
Start Bid $22

421 TURKEY, Ar 100 Para), 1223/24, 34 mm, KM590, 35 mm, Choice VF,
well struck for this with only sl crudeness, good metal with nice tone.
Starting Bid $8

422 TURKEY, Ar 2 Pias (Kurush) 1255/7, Choice EF, lt tone. Nice.
Not a planchet clip, I miscut the photo.
Start Bid $6

423 TURKEY, Ar 10 Pias (Kurush) 1255/6, NICE VF (cat $200), RARE type!
Start Bid $90

424 UNITED STATES, Hard Times Token 1837 Smith's Clock, NYC, "Time is
Money," clockface, Low 136; AEF, one small dig each side, otherwise very nice with
excellent surfaces.
(A GVF brought $250, Davisson 6/13.) Start Bid $50

425 URUGUAY, 40 Cent, 1857, Copper, Sunface, 38 mm, AF medium brown.
Startling Bid $4

426 VIETNAM, Cash coin, King Nhon-Tong, 1443-53, "Thai-hua," Schj.30, Toda 54,
25 mm, nice brown VF.
(Same, nice VF, brought $190 in my last sale.) Starting Bid $10

427 VIETNAM, Cash coin, King Nghi-Danh, 1460-70, "Than-tong," Schj.33, Toda 57,
24 mm, nice brown EF.
(Same, nice VF, brought $190 in my previous sale.)
Starting Bid $15

428 WALES, Anglesey, Conder Token 1/2 Penny 1788, Druid head/ monogram, F,
medium brown.
Start Bid $8

429 ZANZIBAR, Æ Pysa, AH 1299 (1882), 25 mm, Scales/ Arabic inscription, lustrous
brown EF-AU, impossible condition for this.
(A GEF realized $221, Baldwin 9/13.)
Starting Bid $20


(Ar Hemidrachms, c.23-25 mm, Sasanian style with King's bust/fire altar & attendants)

430 Farkhan, 711-28, Year 75, Choice EF+, very sharply struck, good bright silver. Scarce. (A VF-EF brought $256 + buyer fee, Fischer 3/16.) Starting Bid $35

431 Kurshid, 740-61, Superb EF+, extremely sharp strike, good lustery silver.
(A Near EF realized $189, CNG eAuc 2/21.) Starting Bid $40

432 Umar, 771-80, with "nwk" in Pahlavi at obv lower left, Choice EF, quite sharply
struck, bright luster.
(A Near EF realized $126, Nomos 5/21.) Starting Bid $30

433 Sa'id, Governor under al-Mahdi, 776-88, Mint state, sharp strike, lustrous.
Very scarce.
(A GEF brought $293, Leu 5/21.) Starting Bid $45

434 Suleiman, 776-80, Distinctive & scarce type with Arabic letter inside a
diamond in place of King's face. Choice Mint State, very sharp strike, lustrous
with lt tone.
(An EF sold for $224, M&M 10/09.) Starting Bid $35

435 "Afzut" (Anonymous type), 786-809, Choice Mint State, sharply struck, lustrous.
Picked as best out of hundreds
(A GEF brought $205, Leu 12/19.) Starting Bid $30

436 As last but with "Jarir" at lower left obv, much scarcer, Mint State, sharp strike,
very lustrous.
(An AEF with minor marks realized $281, Leu 12/21.) Starting Bid $40

437 Hani ibn Hani, 788-90, Mint State, very sharp strike, lustrous.
(A GVF brought $157, CNG 8/11.) Start Bid $40

SASANIAN (All large silver Drachms unless noted)

438 Shapur II, 309-79, Lead Unit (16 mm, 3.40 g), bust/fire altar etc, AF/G-VG,
lt grey-brown patina, obv fairly clear, rev weakly so.
RARE. Ex Pars as Choice F.
(Similar, sl larger, F, holed, realized $72, Leu 7/23.) Starting Bid $10

439 Yazdgard I, 399-420, Ray mint, Mint State, sl crude but better strike than
usual, portrait quite decent, good lustrous silver.
(A GVF brought $730, Kunker 9/06.) Starting Bid $55

440 Varhran V, 420-38, Veh Artashir mint, Choice Mint State, centered & a superb
strike for this with unusually good portrait style & detail. Bright lustrous silver.
(An EF of the type brought $546, Triton 1/11.) Start Bid $85

441 Yazdgard II, 438-57, "NWKY" at rev rt, Mint state, well struck. Good lustrous silver.
Ex Pars as "Choice Superb."
(An EF sold for $86 on $100 bid, FSR 9/02.) Start Bid $60

442 Peroz I, 457-84, scarcer first type crown without wings, Darabgird Mint,
Superb EF, exceptionally well struck with particularly bold rev, good silver, lt tone.
(An EF of this type realized $317, Gorny 3/17.) Starting Bid $45

443 Peroz I, 457-84, Crown without wings, AS mint, Choice Mint State & quite
strongly struck, good lustrous silver.
Start Bid $45

444 Peroz, 457-84, crown with wings, Kirman Mint, Virtually as struck but
typically somewhat crude, but portrait good & mint clear; bright lustrous silver.
Also somewhat ragged edge tho borders complete. Call it VF overall.
(Same variety, GVF, brought $96, CNG 7/20.) Starting Bid $15

445 Kavad I, 488-531, Istakr mint, Virtually mint state, pretty decent strike for this,
cupped fabric, bright luster. (A VF (diff mint) brought $76 on $95 bid in my 10/08 sale.)
Start Bid $30

446 Kavad I, 488-531, Forat mint (rare!); VF, actually almost as struck with
typical crudeness, bright metal with some luster & lt tone, portrait clear.

Starting Bid $15

447 Khusru II, 590-628, Airan Mint (= "Iran"), Year 33, Choice EF, fine style portrait,
very well struck, good metal.
(Much nicer than a poorly struck "Unc," same mint,
bringing $826 + fee, CGB 4/12.)
Starting Bid $45

448 Khusru II, 590-628, Artashir Kwarrah, Yr 27, Superb EF, fine style, totally sharp
strike, good bright metal.
(Same mint, EF, realized $226, CGB 12/02.) Starting Bid $45

449 Khusru II, 590-628, Darabgird, Yr. 28; Choice EF, fine style portrait, excellent
sharp strike, good metal.
(Same mint, VF-EF/EF brought $304, Rauch 9/09.)
Starting Bid $45

450 Khusru II, 590-628, Gundeshapur, Yr. 25, Choice EF, fine style, fully sharp strike,
good metal.
Starting Bid $45

451 Khusru II, 590-628, Hamadan, Yr. 37, EF/AEF, fine style, sharp strike, bright
metal, smallish flan.
(Same mint, VF+, poor strike & style, brought $115, CGF 12/02.)
Start Bid $40

452 Khusru II, 590-628, Jay, Yr. 2; Choice EF, fine style portrait, well struck,
good bright metal. (Same mint, EF, brought $454, CGB 6/11.) Starting Bid $45

453 Khusru II, 590-628, Veh-Artashir, Yr. 29, Choice EF, fine style, superb strike &
detail, good metal, lt tone.
(Same mint, EF realized $173, Munz Zentrum 12/08.)
Start Bid $45


454 Offa, 757-96, Penny, Eoba moneyer, SCBC 904; EF, a little wavy. I'm ASSUMING
this is fake, but a very good one, struck in silver.
Starting Bid $8

455 Henry III, 1216-72, Long Cross Penny, NICOLE ON LVND, S1363, Choice VF,
well centered, only minor crudeness, good metal with lt tone, quite strong portrait.

(Same variety, VF, brought $144, CNG 6/23.)
Starting Bid $50

456 Charles II, Farthing 1679, scarcer date, Nice F, good brown surfaces, bold date.
(A GF realized $126 + buyer fee, London Coins Auc 9/16.) Start Bid $40

457 Charles II, Crown 1666, rare date, a little flan haymarking at throat, sl strike
wkness in rev center, otherwise a decent G-VG/VG, good edge lettering, ltly toned.
(A Fair/F brought $953, Spink 3/14.) Starting Bid $160

458 William III, Crown 1697 ESC 96 (R3, Extr Rare), Nice VG+, absolutely problem-
free with lt tone, bold & pleasing.
(Spink F £2750); a FAIR realized $3295, Spink 9/19.)
A KEY DATE for British crowns. Starting Bid $1300

459 Anne, Maundy Set 1706, 1d AU, 2d VF scratched, 3d nice AF, 4d Ch toned VF-EF.
(A VF-EF set brought $946, Kunker 10/14.) Starting Bid $240

460 George I, 1/2 Penny 1717, "Dump" type, rare var with no obv stops, P769;
F+, moderate even coarseness, darkish brown.
(Spink F cat £100; Normal var, GVF/VF
with flan flaw & uneven porosity brought $284 + buyer fee, London Coins Auc 12/19.)

Start Bid $15

461 George II, 1/2 Penny 1734, VG+/F, grey-brown with some contrast, some areas
of sl coarseness on obv, rev bold & nice.
Starting Bid $4

462 George II, 6 Pence 1746 LIMA, VF, lt scr in each quarter of rev, otherwise a very
nice bold coin with pleasant old tone.
(A VF realized $228, CNG 3/18.) Starting Bid $50

463 George II, Shilling 1747, Choice F+/VF, fault-free with lovely iridescent toning.
(A VF with sl flecking brought $323, Spink 6/22.) Starting Bid $65

464 George III, Maundy 3 Pence, 1762, AU, Nice deep old toning. Actually a
complete Maundy set for this year as no other denominations were issued.

(An AU-58 realized $192, Heritage 5/23.) Starting Bid $50

465 George III, 6 Pence 1787 Heartless, Choice EF, sharply struck, free of faults,
nicely toned.
Hearts can be added for an extra charge.
(An AEF realized $140, Baldwin 3/22.)
Starting Bid $65

466 George III, 1/2 Penny 1799 nice VG+. Starting Bid $2

467 George IV Maundy Penny 1830 Choice BU Start Bid $40

468 George IV, Farthing, 1821, Choice EF, sharp.
(EF cat $65; an EF brought $88, Kunker 10/14.) Starting Bid $25

469 William IV, 1/2 Penny 1831, Nice brown AU, sharply struck.
(A NEF sold for $336, Baldwin's 9/12.) Start Bid $75

470 William IV, 6 Pence 1837, Nice VF, lt tone. Rare date. Ex my collection
bought 1979.
(Spink £60.) Starting Bid $30

471 Conder Token, 1/2d 1795, Middlesex, Brunswick, Kilvington's, engrailed edge,
D&H 346, Roman head/Britannia std; VF.
(A GVF brought $67, CNG eAuc 10/09.)
Start Bid $12

472 Conder Token, 1/2d 1792, Lancs., Rochdale, Man in loom/sheep over shield,
D&H 145 listed as RARE. Nice VF/AEF, free of faults.
Start Bid $20

473 Conder Token, 1/2d 1797, Leith (Scotland), D&H 60, Ship/Britannia std; AF.
Starting Bid $10

474 Conder Token, 1/2d 1794, Middlesex, D&H 1017e, "Map of France" with foot/
lgnds & rays (very political); Choice VF-EF, nice glossy surfaces.
Starting Bid $20

475 Conder Token, 1/2d Middlesex, Newgate 1794, Front view of Prison/lgnds; VF,
some strike wkness on obv lgnds. (Line on rev is die flaw, not scratch.)
Starting Bid $12

476 Conder Token, Farthing, Bath D&H 115, Bladud head l./ him stg with pigs;
Nice lt brown AVF, free of faults.
(Better than an AVF bringing $48, Teutoburger 5/11.)
Start Bid $15

477 Conder Token, 1/2d 1792, Coventry, Lady Godiva on horse/castle on elephant;
D&H 231; nice brown F-VF. (Same variety, GVF, brought $375, Davisson 1/19.)
Starting Bid $25

478 Silver Shilling token, Bristol, dated Aug 12, 1811, Ship & castle within garter/
lgnds, AVF/F, lt tone. (A Fine with scrs realized $72, CNG 1/21.) Starting Bid $25

479 Penny Token, 1811, Bilston, George III bust r/Royal Exchg building, 35 mm;
Nice VF, in old Dana Roberts env (he typically wrote "tidy & clear")
(More detail than on a GVF bringing $55, M&M 10/22.) Starting Bid $20

CHINESE CASH ETC (Guaranteed genuine unless noted)

480 Bone imitation cowrie, original Zhou Dynasty piece, as Hartill 1.2, 16x26 mm,
pale beige, railroad track design, tiny center hole, very nice example.
(Similar piece with 2 holes brought $85, Elsen 6/04,) Starting Bid $10

481 Yi-tao, early round coin c.300-220 BC, S-78, H-6.17, 19 mm, F-VF, pale
greenish brown patina.
(A F realized $55 in 6/91 Daniel Ching sale.) Starting Bid $8

482 Pan Liang c.200-180 BC, Schj-94, Hartill 7.16, 24 mm, VF, medium brown, nice
clear coin.
(A VF sold for $77, Artemide 12/11.) Start Bid $6

483 Wang Mang, 7-22 AD, Ta-Chuan Wu-Shih, Schj.120, Hart. 9.1; 28 mm, Nice VF,
brown patina with earthen hilighting.
(A VF-EF brought $161, Munz Zentrum, 5/12.)
Start Bid $8

484 Wang Mang, 7-22 AD, "Key Money," S-116, Hart.9-13, VF, darkish green patina,
sl roughness. With original invoice from Malter Galleries 4/00, sold as genuine
("Choice EF") but I can't guarantee it; sold as is.
(The one from my collection, VF/EF,
brought $1228, Teutoburger 2/13.)
Starting Bid $15

485 Wang-mang, 7-22 AD, Huo-quan, S-149, H-9.32, 23 mm, EF, hilighted brown &
pale green patina, nice.
Start Bid $5

486 Sui Dynasty, 581-618, Wu-zhu, S-253, H-10.25; VF, brown patina with
green hilighting, nice for this.
(A crusty AF brought $101 on $150 bid in my 12/20 sale.) Start Bid $10

487 T'ang Dynasty, Kai-yuan, 621-718 AD, Schj.-312, H14.1, Choice VF-EF, pale
brown, strong detail.
(Same grade brought $15.50 in my 9/20 sale.) Start Bid $3

488 As last but cresc at rev top, S-315, Nice VF.
(A Ch. VF+ realized $31 in my 2/21 sale.) Start Bid $3

489 Southern T'ang Kingdom, 959-75, Schj.441, H15.80, AEF, brown patina with
greenish hilighting, very nice.
(An EF brought $138, Munz Zentrum 9/12.) Start Bid $10

490 Northern Song Dynasty, Chun-Hua, 990-94, Schj.464A, H16.33, AVF, nice hilighted
lt brown patina.
Start Bid $2

491 N. Song, Huang-song, 1039-54, Schj-496, H-16.198, AVF, hilighted brown &
green patina.
Starting Bid $2

492 N.Song, Zhi-ping, 1064-67, Schj.519, H-16.156, Nice VF, brown patina, characters
well defined.
(An EF/VF sold for $92, Munz Zentrum 5/92.) Starting Bid $3.

493 N. Song, Yuan-feng, 1078-85, seal script, Schj.551, H.16.211, Choice VF,
hilighted grey-green.
Starting Bid $3

494 N. Song, Shao-sheng, 1094-97, Schj.582, H16.290, Choice VF, nice hilighted
Start Bid $3

495 N. Song, Da-guan, 1107-10, Schj.-629, H16.418 ,scarcer issue, AEF,
greenish-brown patina, sharp.
Start Bid $4

496 N.Song, Yuan-feng 1078-85, LARGE 2 Cash, Schj.556, H16.250; G-VG,
minor roughness.
Start Bid $2

497 N. Song, Chong-ning, 1102-06, LARGE 10 Cash, 36 mm, "Slender gold script,"
S-621, H-16.399, strong F+, brown patina w/some green
(A GVF sold for $192, CNG 5/21.) Start Bid $10

498 Southern Song, Jia-ting, Yr 12, 1219 AD, LARGE IRON coin, G/AG, brown color,
weak but discernable.
Starting Bid $5

499 Ming, Yong-le, 1403-24, S-1166, H-20-121; VF.
(A VF brought $24 + buyer fee, Stacks HK 4/21.)
Starting Bid $3

500 Shun-Zhi, 1644-61, Shantung Mint, S-1409, H22.76; Nice F, 2-toned tan.
Starting Bid $1

501 Yong-Zheng, 1722-35, Yunnan, S-1456, H-22.179, AVF, lt tan-brown, decent.
Start Bid $2


502 Novgorod? Denga, 1400s, moneyer std l./3-line lgnd, copper, 12x15 mm, nice
COPY!, VF-EF. Starting Bid $3

503 Mikhail I, 1613-45, Ar wire Kopeck, horseman/lgnd, VF, sl crude of course but
clear horseman & blegend, thus quite good for this. Medium tone.
Start Bid $10

504 As last, F-VF, somewhat off-ctr & significantly DOUBLE STRUCK,
noticeable particularly on rev. Lt tone. Start Bid $4

505 Peter the Great, 1682-1725, Ar wire kopeck, horseman/ lgnd, VF, small & crude
but quite strong for this.
Start Bid $5

506 Æ 1/4 Kop, 1853-EM, F-VF. Starting Bid $4

507 Copper Kop 1711-MD, Horseman/lgnds, 24+ mm, F-VF, darkish brown, obv off-ctr,
full rev lgnd.
(A GVF with flan flaws, no better overall, brought $392, Sincona 10/14)
Start Bid $20

508 2 Kop 1793/83, horseman, EM below horse, large 39 mm flan, a little double
struck, AF, medium brown. EXTREMELY RARE date, overdate unlisted.
(F cat $300)
Starting Bid $140

509 2 Kop 1811-CIIB-IIC, F, typical minor faults. Start Bid $3

510 2 Kop 1864-EM, Nice VF. (A VF-EF realized $74, Sincona 10/12.) Start Bid $5

511 5 Kop 1767-EM, big copper, 43 mm, VG-F, rich brown color, rev sl wk in
center from bulged die, obv horseman visible.
Starting Bid $15

512 5 Kop 1777-EM, big copper, 43 mm, F+, medium brown, faintly grainy,
horseman visible.
Starting Bid $15

513 5 Kop 1781-EM, copper 42 mm, F, sl off-ctr & crude, sl rough, horseman
Starting Bid $10

514 5 Kop 1832-EM, copper 37 mm, Choice EF+, well struck on a good fault-free
flan, lustrous lt brown surfaces. Exceptional quality.
Starting Bid $50

515 5 Kop 1865-EM, Copper, AVF, sl crude & sl faults, medium brown.
Starting Bid $4

516 10 Kop 1861-CPB, no initials, Paris & Strasbourg, EF, rare.
(An AU brought $392, Sincona 10/14.) Start Bid $15

517 20 Kop 1818-IIC, F, lt tone. Start Bid $7

518 20 Kop 1862-MN, nice sharp EF, lt tone. (A GVF brought $74, Sincona 10/12.)
Starting Bid $15

519 25 Kopeck 1839, VG-F minor rim ding. Starting Bid $6

520 Rouble 1762-CIIB-HK, Catherine II bust r/2-headed eagle; VF, bright lustery
silver with very mild porosity in fields, good portrait, strong rev horseman.
(A VF-EF, maybe no better, sold for $833, Sincona 10/12..) Starting Bid $200

521 Rouble 1818-IIC, Nice VF+, very sharply struck, horseman visible, teensiest
flaw on rim.
(VF cat $200.) Start Bid $90

522 Rouble, 1825, CONSTANTINE, ELECTROTYPE COPY of the famed rarity,
in silver, EF, excellent quality.
(A FORGERY sold for $30,464 (yes, not a typo) +
buyer fee, Katz Auction 10/20.)
May be way too low: Start Bid $50

523 Rouble, 1843-AY, Choice AEF, nicely toned, rev with much glittery lustr;
horseman visible.
(An EF45 brought $528, NY Sale 1/19.) Starting Bid $80

524 Alex III Coronation Medalet, 1883, 26 mm, brass, F-VF, tan, few minor mks,
not the usual type, rare.
Starting Bid $10


525 Henry III, 1216-72, Dublin Penny, S6235, Head in triangle/cross, moneyer
Richard, crude AVF, some of lgnds flatly struck, but portrait quite clear.
(A GF brought $181 + buyer fee, London Coins Auc 12/15.) Starting Bid $80

526 Henry VIII, Groat, Posthumous portrait issue, Dublin, S6488, F, usual crude
shallow work, much lgnd wkness, good metal with lt tone, face dimly visible.
(A GF realized $568, St. James 2/22.) Starting Bid $100

527 James I, 1603-25, 6d, Bust r/harp, mm bell, S6514; Choice VF, very slight
bend, excellent metal with nice tone, portrait quite well detailed. Very rare this good.
Ex Wayte Raymond NASCA auc 5/78 in env.
(A VF brought $660, CNG 6/20.)
Starting Bid $200

528 Charles II, Armstrong Farthing, S-6566, Crown & scepters/harp, AVF, medium
brown, nice for grade. RARE. The last Irish hammered coin; better than Seaby plate.
(An AVF realized $163, Baldwin's 9/05.) Starting Bid $100

529 Gun Money Shil 1689 Aug, Superb EF, very well struck, glowing lustery
brown surfaces. Impossible quality. Bought 1977 for $17.50. Those were the days.
(A VF-EF brought $500, Kunker 3/10.) Starting Bid $200

530 Gun Money Shil 1689 Nov, Nice VF/AVF, excellent tan-brown surfaces,
portrait well detailed.
(A GF realized $113, St. James 2/08.) Starting Bid $80

531 Gun Money Shil (Large) 1690 Mar, VF-EF, good medium brown surfaces, well
struck with only sl crudeness, strong detail.
(A VF brought $390, Lockdale 3/09.)
Start Bid $100

532 Gun Money 1/2 Crown 1689 Sepr, AEF, pale tan-brown, very lt porosity, strong
portrait detail.
(Same variety, GVF brought $532, CNG 2/11.) Start Bid $120

533 Gun Money 1/2 Crown 1689 Feb, VF-EF, sl uneven reddish-brown, suggestions
of luster, well struck with strong detail.
(A VF with pitting realized $165, Downie 7/09.) Starting Bid $100

534 Gun Money 1/2 Crown 1690 April, Nice VF, excellent lt brown surfaces,
minor crudeness in rev lgnd, portrait well detailed.
(Better than a VF with
some staining sold for $358, St. James 6/23.)
Starting Bid $100

535 Farthing 1738, strong AVF, glossy dark brown surfaces.
(A GVF brought $193, St. James 7/04.) Starting Bid $20

536 1/2 Penny 1681, Charles II bust/crowned harp, AF/F-VF, medium brown,
some crudeness on portrait, rev bold.
(Better than an AVF with some roughness sold for $114 , CNG 3/22.)
Starting Bid $30

537 1/2 Penny 1688, James II bust l./crowned harp, F, medium brown, a few sl faults
but decent for this. RARE date!
(A Near VF, hardly better, brought $160, Davisson 3/16)
Start Bid $45

538 1/2 Penny 1693/1963, William & Mary Busts r/crowned harp, VF, medium brown,
few letters wk, portraits well detailed. This unusual overdate clear & seems unrecorded.
(A NVF, normal date, brought $181, Baldwin'6/08.) Start Bid $60

539 1/2 Penny 1737, George II bust/harp, AVF, medium brown, only very sl faults,
bold & nice.
Starting Bid $25

540 1/2 Penny 1760, VF, greyish brown, excellent detail. One year type.
Starting Bid $30

541 1/2 Penny 1782, Superb EF, glowing lustrous medium brown surfaces. Absolutely
free of faults. Delicious quality.
(An EF brought $472, CNG 5/10.) Starting Bid $170

542 1/2 Penny 1823, AU-Unc, sharply struck, lustrous light reddish-brown.
(An EF/Unc brought $146 + buyer fee., Heritage Europe 5/17.) Starting Bid $80

543 5 Pence 1805, Nice Unc, well struck, bright luster, virtually free of the normal
(An AU with haymarking brought $192, Album 3/22; MS62 $264, Stacks 1/24.)
Starting Bid $125

544 Token 1/2 Penny 1813, Hilles, EF, Industrial scene/ shamrocks, Choice EF,
sharp, excellent brown surfaces.
Start Bid $25

545 Token Penny 1816, Stephens, Dublin, Wellington bust l./harp, Fine. Start Bid $8

546 Token 1/2 Penny, 1820, Bust r, "HIBERNICUS," Gal std w/harp, Davis 68; VF or
better, excellent surfaces, but weakly struck in centers so detail of AF. Rare!!
Start Bid $15


547 ANCIENT GREEK Æ, 20 diff, good variety, identified, notd bad condition, all
around VG-F.
Start Bid $100

548 ANCIENT GREEK Æ, 17 diff, good variety, identified, all around VG+. Starting Bid $80

549 ANCIENT GREEK SILVER, 11 diff, identified, good variety, generally rather low
grade. Starting Bid $65

550 ROMAN PROVINCIAL, From Octavian to Herennius Etruscus, 19 diff, identified,
most very low grade.
Start Bid $55

551 ROMAN coins, Collection of 37 diff rulers, including Vabalathus, Helena,
Magnentius, Procopius, Flaccilla, Eudoxia, Marcian; identified by name; a few low grade
but many are quite decent. Well worth:
Starting Bid $140

552 ROMAN coins of 25 diff rulers, identified by name, generally lower grade but
many fairly decent.
Start Bid $70

553 LATER ROMAN, 29 asstd, some roughness etc but all net reasonable VG-F
or so, identifiable.
Starting Bid $60

554 LATER ROMAN, 15 asstd, nice coins, F-VF or so, many with attractive hilited
patinas. 3 lots available.
Start Bid $65

555 BYZANTINE, Collection of 32 diff types, identified, all fairly decent condition,
around Fine or so.
Starting Bid $165

556 3 ANCIENT ARROWHEADS, bronze, 2 similar + a third different type, 2 have
green patina, 1 orange-brown, all in quite good condition.
(A similar one in my last sale brought $32.) Starting Bid $25

557 COPIES of Roman denarii, Lot of 10 diff, all from same "workshop," appear
toned silver but probably are not, rather weird incorrect style. Start Bid $25

558 COPIES of 8 diff Greek, also look silver but probably aren't, toned; more
realistic than above. Starting Bid $20

559 SASANIAN, lot of 8 Ar Drachms, 29-35 mm, Khusru I-II, 531-628 AD, Bust r/fire
altar & attendants; all around F-VF in good metal but typically crudely struck.
Starting Bid $50

560 CHINA, Northern Song Dynasty, AD 960-1127, 47 diff cash coins, loose, average
VG or better. Start Bid $35

561 CHINA, Northern Song, 20 diff cash coins, identified in 2x2s, all F or better,
some VF, very nice. Start Bid $25

562 CHINA, 81 diff cash coins, wide range of periods, identified mostly in 2x2s, avg
Starting Bid $50

563 INDIAN STATES, 40 diff coins, identified, normal condition. Starting Bid $28

564 JAPAN, 24 Cash coins, Edo mintmark, 1668-1700, some with faults, average
overall VG-F.
Starting Bid $6

565 TURKEY, Ottoman, 15 diff, incl sil crowns, patterns, gold, proofs, etc. Or maybe
Start Bid $10

566 VIETNAM, 16 diff cash coins, identified, some scarce, mostly decent.
Starting Bid $20

567 GERMAN Notgeld notes, early 1920s, 229 all or nrly all diff, nicely organized
in a stockbook style binder, all are towns starting alphabetically with "C;" some large
size banknote style; mainly Unc. Starting Bid $200

568 GERMAN Notgeld notes, 231 diff, all Unc Start Bid $200

569 AUSTRIAN NOTGELD (1920s) collection, 1325 diff notes, in large stockbook
style binder, practically all Unc, many in sets, nice.

(In my last sale a similar lot of 1455 brought $1800.)
Starting Bid $550

570 AUSTRIAN NOTGELD notes, 851 diff, many in sets, ALL UNC. Starting Bid $350

571 134 AUSTRIA banknotes 1913-22, only 8 diff types, all in pretty ragged
Starting Bid $20


572 Frank S. Robinson, Confessions of a Numismatic Fanatic - How to Get the Most
Out of Coin Collecting
, 1992, hardcover w/dj, 210 pp, illus, as New. Excellent primer.
(A copy brought $81 on $110 bid in my 6/21 sale.) Starting Bid $20

573 Williams, The Silver Coinage of Velia, RNS 1992, large hardcover w/dj,
151 pp + 47 plates. Near new condition.
(Same edition sold for $408 (yes), CNG 3/16.)
Start Bid $30

574 Noe, The Coinage of Metapontum Parts 1 & 2, 120 pp + 44 plates; ANS
hardcover, 1984, New condition.
(Same edition brought $102, CNG 3/17.)
Starting Bid $20

575 Sear, Greek Coins & Their Values - Vol 1 - Europe, 1997 (latest), 317 pp,
hardcover w/dj, New. (An EF realized $51 in my 1/15 sale.) Starting Bid $20

576 Sear, Greek Coins & Their Values - Vol 2, Asia & Africa, 1998 (latest),
48 + 445 pp, illus throughout, hardcover w/dj, New.
(One brought $66 on $75 bid, FSR 1/15.) Start Bid $25

577 Klawans & (edited by) Bressett, Handbook of Ancient Greek & Roman Coins,
Whitman, 287 pp, illus, incorporating Outline of Ancient Greek Coins + Reading &
Dating Roman Imperial Coins.
New condition. Start Bid $5

578 Time-Life, Egypt: Land of the Pharaohs, 168 pp; The Age of God-Kings,
3000-1500 BC, 178 pp; both large size hardcovers, beautifully illus, nice condition.
Starting Bid $4

579 Schulman (Neth), 3 diff auc catalogs 2020-21, hard-covers, abt 1000 pages in all,
illus, 2 with PRLs. Start Bid $5

580 CNG Auction cats, 3 diff 2023-24, with PRLs, color illus, really excellent
catalogs. Starting Bid $4

581 Bangs & Co auction May 1878, by Edward Cogan, 95 pp, 2458 lots, incl
Ancients, covers tatty, text OK. Start Bid $10

582 Foss, Roman Historial Coins, Seaby 1990, 335 pp, hardcover w/dj, illus, as New.
(Same edn, VF with fading, brought $132, CNG eAuc 11/17.) Starting Bid $15

583 Hill, Historical Roman Coins, 1966 Argonaut reprint of 1909 book, 191 pp +
15 plates, hardcover w/dj. Start Bid $10

584 Kent & Painter, Wealth of the Roman World, 190 pp, large softcover, illus,
bookplate of Herb Kreindler. Start Bid $8

585 Smith, Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology & Georgraphy Illus by
Antiquities & Coinage, 1858, Seaby 1972 reprint, hardcover, 832 pp of dense small
print! nice VF. (A VF copy brought $58, CNG 5/07.) Starting Bid $15

586 Yigael Yadin, Masada, 272 pp, 1966; Negev, Archaeology in the Land of the Bible,
Tel Aviv, 1976, 132 pp; both hardcovers well illus in color. Starting Bid $5

587 Time-Life, Etruscans: Italy's Lovers of Life; Pompeii: The Vanished City,
both 168-pg large hardcovers beautifully illus in color. Starting Bid $4

588 Michael Grant, The Army of the Caesars, 237 pp, hardcover w/dj; Rossi,
Trajan's Column & the Dacian Wars, hardcover, 240 pp; both illus incl coins.
Starting Bid $5

589 Tuchman, A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century, 677 pp, hardcover
w/dj, Meyer,
The Borgias: The Hidden History, 478 pp; both illus w/some color.
Start Bid $4

590 Matthews, The Coinages of the World Ancient & Modern, 1876 original
hardcover, 305 pp, illus with many line drawings, reasonable VG-F condition.
Starting Bid $10

591 Petrowicz, Arsaciden-Munzen (Parthian Coins), 1904, 1968 reprint, large
hardcover, 206 pp + 25 plates, covers sl warped, otherwise OK condition.
Starting Bid $10

592 Clain-Stefanelli, Select Numismatic Bibliography, 1965, hardcover, 406 pp,
nice condition.
(A copy brought $54, CNG 10/24.) Starting Bid $8


593 ANTIOCH, Æ18-20, c. 63-28 BC, Zeus head r/Zeus std l; F-VF or better, nice
strong Zeus head with detail. 15.95

594 ROMAN, Spintriae (brothel tokens), couples in various sexual positions/number
in wreath, COPIES, sil plated (?), nicely made, 16 diff, REDUCED each 6.45, 3/17.95
(I saw a fake like this on eBay with many bids up to $115!)

594A ARAB-BYZANTINE, Emesa, 20 mm Æ, 'Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, 685-705,
Facg bust/large M & lgnds, Alb.3524, Nice AF or better, dark patina with strong
orangy hilighting. (a F brought $146, CNG eAuc 7/08.) 13.75

595 TABARISTAN, (Iran), Sasanian style hemidrachm, King's bust r/fire altar &
attendants, Afzut type, 786-809, Choice Mint State or virtually so, selected from hoard
for strong strike
(A GEF brought $205, Leu 12/19) 28.95, 3/$66

596 TABARISTAN, As previous but Suleiman, 776-80, with Arabic letter in diamond
in place of king's head. Picked from hoard for unusually good clear strikes; virtually
Mint state. (An EF sold for $224, M&M 10/09.) $34.95, 3/$95

597 JAPAN Cash, Tokyo Mintmk, 1668-1700, not checked for varieties, strictly
NICE EF 1.99, 3/5.50, 10/16.95, 30/46.50

598 Same but plain rev, VF-EF 3/3.80, 10/9.95, 30/26.95

599 HUNGARY, Bela II, 1131-41, Sil Denar, Cross & circle, pseudo-lgnd/cross within
2 circles, Hus.102; Choice EF-Unc. (An EF brought $105, Naumann 1/21.) 22.95,
3/$65, 10/$189

600 RIGA, Sil Schilling, 1600, Sigismund III, VF or better, crude, sl strike wkness,
lustrous, 7.45

601 RIGA, billon Solidi, c. 1630-60, crude, maybe AG-G or so, no dates visible, 3 for 2.45

602 SLAVONIA, Sil Denar, 13th cent., Marten (furry critter)/ Cross & 2 busts etc,
G or so, parts wk, 4.95, 3/13.95

603 PALEMBANG (Sumatra), Tin Pitis, before 1821, assortment of varied types,
these seem to me crazy low prices.(Note, KM lists only 2 varieties, really the same,
F at $20-$25) G-VG 30/11.95, 100/29.95, 300/79.00

604 -- Same, VG-F, 10/6.45, 30/16.95, 100/49.95

605 -- My little book with enlarged illustrations of 291 different Palembang varieties,
with rarity ratings, 5.99

606 DEMAK (Java) Sultan Pangeran al Patah 1475-1518 Tin pitis, 20 mm uniface,
VF or better, nice for this 7.95, 3/19.95

607 FRENCH INDOCHINA, 1/4c 1943, scarce, VF (cat $35) 7.95, 3/21.95, 10/64.50

608 NETHERLANDS Token 1975, 1 Florin, Mokum, 700th Anniv, CN, 22 mm,
coinlike BU nice .65, 3 for 1.70, 10/4.75

609 BITCOIN, 2013, 40 mm gold colored BU 1.99, 3/4.95, 10/14.95

DEADBEATS (full list at my website):





ANNISA KHOIRIYAH (aka Opik Ropik) Indonesia